Drive Your Car!


Happy New Year guys! What a year! 2011 was filled with some much excitement, development, experience, and of course RESULTS! I have been away from the blogs in the last couple of months, due to the demand of boot camps and speaking engagements. So, now that my team and I have things in order, I’m back! I promise I will not leave you again!

Let’s reflect a little bit on our previous year. How did you do? Were you consistent? Did you make the adjustments needed? Are you happier? Did you learn?  Did you get RESULTS? I’m hoping your response to all of my questions was “yes!”  However I do understand that many of you did not have the year you wanted. That’s why it’s a blessing to be able to be active in 2012, because this year you can get what you desire. If you weren’t apart of MGT success, it’s your time! Over 9 of my members got married last year and 12 got engaged. Countless transformations happened all throughout the year. Members across the city are now face to face with their happiness, due to the coaching and personal development seminars we provide. What a year! Well let’s get into a topic for the first time in 2012. Again, my blogs are about experiences I go through, so be aware of the RESULTS I see day in and out.

What I want to tell you right now is to drive your car! I want you to think back to the last time you were cruising on the freeway. Now I want you to think back to the last time you ran out of gas (We all have! Lol).  Some of you may have to think back to when you were in your teens or college days, but I want you to bring back that memory. Now, how did you feel when you ran out of gas? Were you upset? Frustrated? Embarrassed? What was your next step? Did you stay there for the rest of your life? Of course you didn’t. You either called someone to come get you or got your car towed somewhere. Or, the most common answer, you walk to the nearest gas station. What was that walk like? Were you tired? Was it a long walk? Were you late for your next destination? What was it like when you saw cars past you by?

Over all, the experience of running out of gas sucks! The emotions we all attach to this past experience help you do one thing, make sure you never run out of gas again.  Now let’s relate this to us.

Many of us have so much momentum built inside of us due to the New Year. I feel momentum is so precious. When you have it, it’s a must that you use it. It’s not easy to create it, therefore is precious. I know for a fact, my MGT members have this momentum and like I tell them, drive your car. The importance of being able to cruise down the freeway is priceless. If I were to tell you how to continue your momentum (RESULTS) would you do so. Are you sure? You promise? Ok, very simple, make sure you stop and get gas! Seems like an “I already know this topic,” but why do so many of us not put gas into our car? Your car deserves oil right? Then why do we not install it into our cars? Why do we not put the necessary oil into our temple? To drive that beautiful car that you have (your mind, body, and soul) you must install the requirements that need to produce the movement you deserve.

Most of you love the way look because you’ve been working out with MGT or just taking care of your body and love the confidence it has placed inside of you. To keep those RESULTS we must put in the gas you need. If its MGT boot camp, your food intake, and personal development that have given you these emotions, then why stop? All you have to do is install the system you have been doing to keep receiving the RESULTS you are earning. If you have the relationship you desire, why stop putting in the gas you need to keep the relationship on the freeway. Don’t take away the date nights and compliments, because if you do you will run out of gas. Then you will be at a standstill and you will have to go though the experience of trying to put gas in your car. Do you really feel like asking your friends for help? Do you feel like walking all the way to the beginning, just to put gas back into your car? Your job is to not stop doing the things that got you the job. You want to continue to make your money, so don’t run out of gas, stay on the freeway.  Install the things that will keep your job. Remember it’s a simple system to not run out of gas. You just have to install gas to keep you on the road. Same thing with all areas in your life you want to improve. You must install the things needed to keep you on the road.

Powerful! I want you to use this blog and install it into your life right now. Take advantage! These are what we master in MGT boot camps, webinars, and coaching. This year will be awesome! Greatness is waiting for you. It’s your time to look in the mirror and see the reflection you deserve. Remember you must install the proper requirements to do so.

Well soldiers, that’s it for now. Continue to put massive actions towards your desires. Your greatness will never be seen if you don’t open the doors you have closed. Our goal at MGT is to help you reach the things that you desire the most.

If you desire any of our services contact us at I have been asked to speak at churches, clinics, to athletic teams and various organizations and would love to speak to yours as well. Contact us for bookings.

Love you guys! Until next time, remember not to be just a hearer of these words but to be a doer. Believe! Achieve! Receive!


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Dear soldiers,

I hope all is well with you guys. I know you’re living life with love and living your life with plenty of passion. I personally wanted to thank you all for all of the support you have showed these last couple of weeks. All of our groups are mostly filled and we have several excited members on the waiting list to join the RESULTS. Also, I have been getting a lot of feedback on the MGT Motivation Videos. I’m glad that you are implementing my theories and experiences into your daily routines. Keep pressing and sharing the RESULTS on your social networks.

What I have been experiencing lately is a lot of dreaming. I have been discussing it in my one on one coaching sessions as well as with my family and friends. Therefore, I feel that this was a great time to write a blog about it.
Now we all have dreams every night. Sometime we can wake up and remember what our dream was about and sometimes we cannot. But as we talk about dreams, I want to relate them to the dreams that you may have for yourself. What are your dreams and desires? What did you want to be when you were in high school? Or when you were a child? I’m sure at one time or another you had the ambition to do or be something. The question is, did it turn out that way you thought it would?

I have a couple of steps that I want to discuss with you that will help you reach the desires of your heart. The first tool I want to give you is called, “Stop dreaming to get to your dreams.” Are you sleeping your day away? Did you know most CEO’s workout at 5am? How much do you get done before the sun has set? Do you sleep until you go to work? Do you sleep once you get home from work? Now think about it. If you are steadily dreaming about the body you desire but never put action to it, will you ever reach your dreams? Let me answer that for you, No! I’m not telling you that you don’t need to sleep, but you do need to sleep at the appropriate time. Everyone has different schedules. But you cannot sleep around all day and expect to get the body of your dreams without any exercise. You cannot get the person of your dreams if you sleep all day! So the first key is to, “Stop dreaming to get to your dreams.”

Tool number two is best said by the rap group OutKast. “It’s time to get up, get out and do something.” Faith without works is dead! You have to put massive action towards your desires. Do you believe that you deserve the desires of your heart? Of course you do! However, mom or your best friend can’t get your happiness for you. You have to do it for yourself. That job or career that you want, you have to get up, get out and go get it! Complaining about your current situation will never get you to your dreams. When you complain, you remain. Do you really want the woman/man of your dreams? Don’t you deserve to meet your soul mate? Of course you do! But, staying on Facebook all night instead of getting out and getting it will never get you to your dreams. Getting the body of your dreams only happens when “you get up, get out and get something.” Infomercials only help you to hope, but if you don’t go get it, then you will never reach your dreams.

The truth of the matter is that we all have different lifestyles. I want all of you to not live in regret. The only thing you should regret in life is not learning from your past. Everything that happens to you happens for a reason. It’s a new year, we have to concentrate on our greatness. I know we all have had situations that happened that may have knocked you off track. But you still have greatness to receive. I want to ask you a question. When did you stop dreaming? I want you to dream like a child, dream big! I gave you a couple of tools so that when you do have these dreams, you have a strategy to reach them. My father told me some very powerful words years ago. He told me, “Your dreams only fail when you stop trying.” Take those words and let them motivate you to reach your dreams. You can do it! Right now, it’s your time! Get what you deserve!

Again, I want to congratulate you for bettering your life by gaining more knowledge. Continue to take a step towards your greatness by using these tools daily. Remember, goals are not just made to have them, but made to hit them. Don’t just be a hearer of these words, but be a doer. I love you all! Make sure you share the words with your people on Facebook, twitter, and etc. Stay blessed guys!

Believe! Achieve! Receive!
Chris Green

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“Live life to give, not to drain”


I hope all is well with you guys. I know that I have been away, but I’m back! We had a lot going on in the world of MGT.  So, I do thank you in advance for your patience, for the support and comments that you guys have put on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and emails. They really mean a lot to the MGT family.

Now my question for you is, wouldn’t you like to live life with love and passion? Live life like you really enjoy it? Of course you do! Therefore, the more we learn about our mind, body, and soul the more it will help us reach the status we want. You all know that I’m real big on how you feel internally, because that’s what you are going to produce externally. So I will be sharing with you all another skill that will help you live life with more smiles. This skill is called, “live life to give, not to drain.” I will be referring to a previous blog, “The tree of relationship.” So if you haven’t seen that video or blog, make sure you go back and check that out.

When you live life to give it’s more than likely you will receive unexpected blessings or what we like to call RESULTS. For example, do you have anyone in your family that only calls you when they need something? One day it’s money, transportation, a ride or calls you to let out all their frustrations. But! When they just got paid or when everything is fine you never hear from them. Does this sound familiar? Those kind of people are considered to be leafs. Remember that leafs are people that will drain you for whatever you have and then blow away once they have received all they can from you. Now dig deep and think about the feelings you have towards those people. Do you like giving to them? Do you like being around them? How do you feel when you see their name on the caller ID? For the most part, you do not like being around or bothered by those people. This is because they only take, take and take. Now, if something great happens to you do you think of those people first? Do you want to give your hard work, energy, or effort to them? Probably not! Now those people usually look like they have bad luck and that nothing ever goes their way. Why not? Why can’t they ever catch a break? The reason usually falls in the lines of them always being looked upon as a leaf. Deep!

Let’s flip this story. I want you to think of the people that are always there for you. Think of when times were tough, when you needed a helping hand, encouraging voice, when you graduated, or accomplished something great. These are the type of people you always talk to, because they are considered as your roots. No matter where you go or how tough the weather may be, your roots will be there. Therefore, when ever you receive something or can help out, you should always try to. When you are on the outside looking in, someone else would probably think that person is so lucky and that things always fall in there hands. One of the reasons why they do is because someone is always trying to benefit them instead of trying to benefit from them, due to them being a root.

I have given you some new tools. We now know that we need to be more roots to people in their lives instead of always trying to take, take, and take. As you can see the energy you give in life, is the energy you are going to receive in life. Make a decision to always try to help or give. See what blessings will fall into your hands. Be prepared for some floodgates to pour out so many RESULTS, that you have to give some away. Powerful! Take advantage now! See how your luck will change!

Again guys, I want to thank you all for following me. Remember to stay consistent and put massive action towards the desires of your heart. You only fail, when you quit! We have a MGT Boot Camp Explosion coming up on May 28th. We are selling tickets for only $5! Email me, if you want your ticket ( Also, if want to learn how to take you happiness to another level, come to our MGT Self Improvement Seminar. It is FREE, but there is  limited space so reserve your seat now by emailing us or confirming on Facebook. Please share this blog on Facebook and Twitter!

Thank you for your energy and time! Remember to live life with love, live it with passion! “Believe! Achieve! Receive! MGT!


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“The skill of anticipation”


Why are some people successful at relationships, family, inner peace, money, jobs, and keeping up their physical appearance? My philosophy is that those that know how to master the skill of anticipation are able to reach the level of happiness they desire. You may be asking, what do you mean by anticipation? And I’m glad you asked. The skill of anticipating what’s going to happen next and to make the adjustment that gives you the results you desire, is a skill that all successful people have.

The materialistic things we desire such as luxury cars, beautiful homes, spouses, friends, family, and our status doesn’t make us accomplished. What we all truly seek is the emotion we call, happiness. I’m sure you know or see people that have these items like the luxury cars and the beautiful homes and still have problems or are depressed. Have you ever heard of a celebrity on drugs? Or made some drastic decision and wondered why? It’s because the emotional thirst they have. The reason why one drinks massively or does drugs is due to the high they want to receive in life. But, it’s only temporary, so that’s how people end up becoming addicts. They search over and over for that high that’s only temporary, which can cause destruction. The same process happens with success. If your goal is to work your way to a million dollars or get that job you really want, the high of reaching your goal will be temporary. Once you receive it, you will be like, “Oh, this is cool. I have reached my goal, but what’s next?” If the legs of your success are not supported with happiness, then truly, you will not be happy. You will diligently seek the emotion of happiness. Therefore the skill of anticipation plays a huge part of being happy.

Happiness is a breakdown of what empowers you. The word happiness means, to be excited or joyful about a specific emotion or item. To be happy with yourself, you must first understand “You”. What that means is you have to understand what makes you happy. Am I really doing what I want to do for a living? Do I really look like what I truly desire in the mirror? Do I really treat people how I want to be treated? Do I like my relationships? Do I like the way people treat me? Do I like being around my family or friends? Once you understand yourself, then you can understand what makes you happy. Think about the questions I just asked you. If you honestly answered these questions with a yes, then you’re probably happy. If you answered the questions and your response was no to most of them, then your probably not as happy as you would like to be or could be.

Now that you understand that the legs to our desires must be supported with happiness, I will show you the skill of anticipation. The reason why this skill is so important is because of the word “change”. In our society, things always change. Think about it. The world changed when the first man broke the record of the four minute mile run. It was amazing! But now, kids in high school can run a mile under 4 minutes, which shows us change will happen over time. If we still lived on what happened in the past and didn’t change, we would be at a stand still and the development of technology would have never took place. Think of the first computer, phone, or car. If change would have never happened then we would not have the ability to take advantage of the things we have now. So, as you can see, change will happen. Now those that can anticipate what can happen and make adjustments will always survive the next chapter of life.

You can be great at a skill, but when there is no need for that skill anymore, you’re stuck or not needed. If you don’t master the skill of anticipation and don’t make the appropriate changes, when change does happen you will not produce the results you want. Think about a relationship. When you first meet, your conversation is great and everything is perfect. What happens if the woman grows and the guy is still stuck at the beginning stage of the relationship? Things will not progress. But! If the guy anticipates their growth and does things different before change happens, then change does not affect them. That’s how people have 20, 30, or even 50 years of passion in their marriages. Because both know how to anticipate what each other will do or how things will change. Think of weight loss, what will happen if you anticipate what will happen next? Will you keep doing what you were doing, which gave you the results you were getting? Or would you join or learn a proven system, to get the results you truly desire. That being said, anticipation goes into many things that we encounter in life. If you can conquer this skill, you will find yourself being a happier person.

As you can see, I was long winded with this topic. It’s very powerful and I know the affect it can have in your life. This is just a portion of what I teach in my one on one coaching sessions. Change can be fearful, but only to those that don’t know how to master the skill of anticipation. I hope you all find favor with my words and beliefs. Make sure you put massive actions towards you desires. These are the actions I have being a result magnet. Remember to pass this blog on to someone else or post it on your social networks. Well, live life with love, live it with passion! MGT!


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“Diets” and MGT


Hello to all MGT followers! I’m very excited that you are taking the steps in improving your life by using my empowering words to help take your mind to another level. I hope you all have been placing my philosophies into your new lifestyle for the New Year. I’m actually going to talk about a topic someone asked me to speak about, which is “diets.”

Honestly, I don’t believe in diets. I once noticed that the first three letters in the word spells “die.” Therefore, I’m not going to use any word that starts with that. Lol! The reason I don’t believe in the word diet, is due to it being temporary. I don’t want people to eat a certain way and it last only for a season. Then, before you know it, you are back to square one or worse. I’m in the business of transforming people lives. I like to take the approach of finding different methods and making adjustments to your food intake. I will give you guys some pointers, but remember this is a blog, I can only give so much within this blog.

The rumor that starving yourself or not eating as much is a horrible idea. Your body loves to be treated like they’re loved. If you don’t feed it enough, then they will feel unwanted. Whenever they do eat, they will eat as much as they can, even though they may be full. Your body will store as much as it can, because it does not know when the next time you will feed it. As time goes on, every time you feed it, it adds to its storage because it does not release the food. Which makes a person gain weight, instead of losing weight. Therefore, feed your body. The more you feed it, the more it’s willing to release. You should feed your body every three hours. For example, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Then once you have those balance meals, you can add your snacks in between those meals. (Not snickers, but shakes, nutrition bars, fruit, or any other healthy snacks.) Remember, the portion size of your food should not be huge amounts. The last thing I want to discuss is the time of day that you are eating. I like to use the “sun up and sun down routine.” Your body is designed to wake up and eat. As you fuel your body throughout the day, your last meal should be when the sun is going down. You should not eat within three hours of your bedtime.

I know I threw a lot of information on you guys, but I wanted to give you some pointers that can help you. I read something on Facebook, that one of my MGT members wrote. She said she wanted to grow mentally, so she can produce further RESULTS physically. I read that and I smiled, because it’s so true. You must grow mentally, to get what you want physically. So, those that want to have a healthier lifestyle, search for more wisdom. Become apart of the movement, at MGT. You must change your approach until you reach the RESULTS you desire. Which is a process that’s completed at MGT.

I hope my words will help you make better decisions and to get you closer to the RESULTS that you desire. Make sure you apply massive action until you reach your destination. You deserve the best, so you must work like you’re the best.

Also, take our online survey. We are deciding on some new boot camps and times. Please provide your opinion, by clicking the link below.

Well, I pray you guys find favor throughout the week and that you only accept empowering words and actions. Make sure you follow the movement. This week and next week MGT will be having some great promotions to get those that are not apart of MGT involved. Put actions towards your RESULTS now! I love you guys! Make sure you live life with love, live it with passion! These are the experiences I have of being a RESULT magnet.


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Hello all! I hope you are having a bless new year so far. This week was an amazing week. I’m excited I get to share my thoughts and experiences with you all.

This week was so busy for me personally. It was hectic with all of my priorities, plus the MGT dvd and self improvement seminar. The seminar was awesome! I wanted to thank all those that attended. I gave so many formulas that will help them reach their goals and the tools of getting them faster. The dvd was great! We received a lot of positive feedback on it. Make sure you purchase your dvd, you can order them online. The workout is real people, that get real RESULTS! The video was shot with no editing.

The topic I want to touch basics on is the tree of relationships. Im a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. What we go through, develop us into what we are. I want you to think of a tree. As you think of the tree, I want you to think of yourself as the tree trunk. The trunk represents you. As you know, the tree has leave on it. Notice the leaves, they will grow because of you and drain you as much as the can, then leave. Your limbs will grow with you, but you will notice they will soon break off. Then theirs your roots, they will be with you no matter what. They are installed to you and no matter what, they will be under you to support you with love.

I felt I should share this with you all because I was ask, how to notice who are “what” in your lives. This person was hurts so bad because of someone selfish ways. They were prepared to spend their live with someone, but then found as that person had been sleeping with a couple of people. But! The power of the tree of relationships shows you, the value of people in your life. I recommend that person to surround themselves with roots. They will always be truthful and support you with their love. I told the person, “You will always notice when someone not right.” It was difficult for them to let go because of love. But, they could live with confidence knowing they could leave the relationship giving their all.”Remember to forgive!” Is what I told them. The person that was sluting around has to live with missing out on your greatness! They don’t deserve you and you will find someone twice as better. Dueces, as Chris Brown would say.

Those of you that are searching for relationship advice, live at with love and passion. As you can see, MGT not only helps your physical appearance. We help grow your mind, body, and soul.

Well, thank you all for time and energy. Make sure you share the movement of RESULTS. I pray you guys find favor this week and continue to give massive action! These are my experi ence of being a RESULT magnet.


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System of RESULTS

We are now over two weeks into 2011. I hope you all are sticking to your systems to reach the RESULTS you desire. I have really been pushing hard to reach the standards I have set for myself and MGT members. The past couple of weeks have been great! I have seen the commitment of those that did not let the cold weather prevent their RESULTS. That’s priceless to me! On the other hand, I have seen people use it as an excuse and now they’re on the verge of letting those goals they set for the new year get overlooked again.

The good thing is that it’s only been two weeks into the new year. We still have plenty of time to get back on track. Why shouldn’t we stay consistent on what we know will bring us happiness? Im going to discuss the red and blue pill in this blog. This is a theory I use from the movie “The Matrix.”

I want you to really be honest and think of everything you have achieved. Think of graduation or getting your driving licence. You couldn’t wake up and say, “That’s what I want and I’m going to do it my way to get it.” In reality, you had to sacrifice time and effort to follow a proven system to reach your desires of receiving that diploma or driver license. If we happen to get off course and try to do things in our own manner, we would fail a class. We all try our own methods at times, but the ones that get back on track, are the ones that reach their desires. If we know what works, why don’t we follow that proven system?

The Matrix senerio I use at my seminars are powerful! I want you to think of life and how it will be if you don’t hit all your goals. How will you look now, five years from now, and ten years from now. If you are not following systems now and becoming consistent at reaching your standards, you will not do it later. So, I want you to do the opposite and help you follow proven systems to reach your desires you deserve! In the movie “The Matrix” it shows a scene where he had a decision to make for his future. I will reword it to help paint a picture for you guys.

You could take the blue pill and act like you dont know better, act like the proven systems were never mentioned to you. Or, you could take the red pill and transform your life by following proven systems. Know, this is the truth, nothing more or nothing less.

This is what I’m offering to you all. The truth! The way to get RESULTS you really desire. It’s time for you to make up your mind and transform your life! Make a decision to choose the red pill. Make a decision to join the movement of RESULTS this new year. Don’t wait until it’s too late. That birthday, trip, wedding, or other big events thats already planned will be here before you know it. Lets get the RESULTS you need!

Well guys, that’s going to be it for this blog. I pray you all get involved! Its your time! Don’t let the energy you had for the new year go down the drain. You can do it now!

Thank you for following our blogs. Continue to grow mentally and you will become what you desire physically. We will be having a seminar at 2:00pm on Saturday, January 29th. Reserve your seat now and your admission will be FREE. Limited space available. Continue to share the RESULTS by posting and sending emails and videos to everyone. Thank you all! I love you! Live life with passion, live it with love! These are the actions I conquer, being a RESULT magnet! Believe! Achieve! Receive!

Chris Green



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New year, New RESULTS


Happy New Year to all!  I hope you enjoyed your holidays! I know with arrival of the new year, many of you have made new goals you want to accomplish. I will express ideas that may help you receive what you desire.

The first thing I want to share with you is my philosophy that, “RESULTS is not a secret, but it is a system.” Everything we want to receive in our life has probably been done. So, why reinvent the wheel when it’s already been created? If you think of job professions, there is a system you must follow to qualify for that job. Same thing with weight loss or muscle gain. There are plenty of systems that are created which help individuals reach their goals. At MGT, we have a proven system that helps people gain the RESULTS they need physically and mentally. Therefore, the first thing I would like to challenge you with is to follow a system instead of trying to reinvent your own ways.

Next, is setting goals. “Goals are not usually met, but standards are always met.” Think about it? Everytime you set standard, its a must that you reach them. Think of your relationships. You probably had certain standards, such as good looking and smart. Then as time goes on, you notice that the other little things you would like them to do is not happening. Reason being, is due to the fact that smaller things are were not required standards. Thew were goals that you would love to obtain. Same thing with weight loss. I have heard several times, “I would love to lose 50 pounds, but I would be happy with 20.” Thats setting a goal to lose 50 pounds, but setting a standard of losing 20 pounds. Now, with all the goals you have set for the new year, go back and make standards within them. So you will reach the desire you have!

Im very excited for all of you and the RESULTS you will receive in 2011. Make sure you keep empowering yourself with positive words, both consciously and unconsciously. Keep following the movement and watching our weekly videos. I would love to work with you, if I don’t already. Make sure you also become apart of our movement by joining a boot camp or one on one coaching.  Please share this blog by emailing and posting it on Twitter and/or Facebook.

I will be hosting a seminar, this Friday, January 7th, at HCC Downtown and also at the library located at 7979 Wilcrest on January 29th.  I would love to see all of you in attendance.

Well, I want to thank you all for your time and attentiveness. These are the experiences I have these past weeks of being a RESULT magnet.



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The RESULTS you desire and the word Programming


Greeting, congratulations on taking the next step to achieving RESULTS! This past week I experienced some past programming and noticed some traits that can you lead you to your ultimate goal… happiness!

As I was assisting a MGT member in one of our coaching sessions, I noticed the word “why” kept coming up.  In my questioning, there was a pattern I noticed in our conversation that came from past generations. This is what one of my mentors call, generation curses!

Have you ever been doctor and then once you arrived you fill out a questionnaire on what your ancestor’s had?  Then once you put down what sickness they had, the doctor came in and its highly likely you have the same ailment since your great grandmother had it. That is crap! But! If you accepted that curse and went home and except those words, then most likely you will received those illnesses. Now, lets use high cholesterol for an example. Where do people get high cholesterol from? Usually due to the way one eats and their lack of exercise. Now two generations later, their grandchild is living a healthy lifestyle for more then 20 years. Is it fair that the kid has to receive high cholesterol? Heck no! So why do we program ourselves and let tradition take control of out lives! Lets put a stop to it right now! “I am programming you to receive only what you produce!” MGT! Accept these words and put action to what you want to obtain!

Lets take massive action to this concept! When should we start? How does NOW sound! Everyday you wake up, write something down that you want to produce. Then once you make a decision on what you want to produce, put massive action to that concern! Once you make that decision, go against anything that does not empower you to get the RESULTS you desire. It does not matter if you go against people emotions or past traditions, because you’re not living life for them. You are living life for yourself! I seen this week, life is not promised to anyone. Life with passion! Live it with happiness! Live with love! Live it with RESULTS!

Again guys, thank you for following the movement of RESULTS! Make sure you share them as well. Past this blog to all your friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, or via email. Please comment below. And remember, take action now! Live with the actions you produce and not the traditional generation curses that society places in our programming! Well, these are the actions I encountered, being a RESULT magnet! I love you all and thank you! Stay blessed! Believe, Achieve, and Receive!


Weekly video:

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The RESULT touch


Hello to all MGT followers! Thank you for following the movement of RESULTS! This past week was amazing! I encountered so much from being a RESULT magnet.

This past weekend we had our MGT boot camp explosion. This is where we invite our family and friends to come out and experience a real workout. This give people the chance to participate with members of boot camps and to get a feel for me as a trainer. We had a blast! If you were there, I want to tell you congrats and thank you at the same time. Those that were unable to attend, you really missed out! Next time we have this event, take massive action and join us. What we experienced was the power of positive energy. Throughout the day, I observed the positive words through the challenging workouts and saw how it encourages individuals to not only motivate themselves, but other by achieving RESULTS.

Do you remember the “Midas Touch” commercial? The one where everything the man touched became gold. How would you feel if you could have the power of that touch? Many people feel that I have the same ability with the RESULT touch, which I do! People seem to think I find luck with everything that I do. But, I feel differently! I know for a fact that the reason I find so much favor with my steps are due to the energy I give and attract. “You get, what you give!” MGT! Thats why I’m so big on doing the small things for people. Understand that everything you do, is part of your demeanor. If you’re the person that never calls people back, never on time, always has excuses, or never have anything good to say about anyone, you usually attract that certain energy. Those that do the opposite bring what I like to call, “The RESULT touch.” Just like the commercial, you have the power of having the same touch. Start now! Produce what you desire! Start doing the small things throughout your walk. Remember, “What you are consistent at, you become great at.” MGT! Every action you place towards your emotion, do it with confidence! I want you to think of a young, sincere child. When they ask a parent for a dollar, they ask with confidence. They know without a shadow of doubt, that their parent can and will give them that dollar. Same thing with your ” RESULT touch.” Every goal you want and believe for, conquer it with confidence that you know you will achieve it. It makes a big difference!

Lastly, I want to thank all of you for the prestigious award I received for becoming Trainer of the Year! It really took me by surprise and I’m very honored to have received this award! I didn’t notice until last week, how many people lives that were transformed within 2010 alone. To see many of MGT members happy, prosperous, and living life with passion and joy due to the actions of MGT was heart touching. It was hard for me to speak upon the award, after hearing the thoughts and testimonies of the members emotions. To see how MGT has help some gain their life back! Their confidence! Their happiness! Happier marriages! Achieving careers! Getting engaged! Graduating! Getting married! Having children! These were the emotions members are receiving mentally. We all know we get RESULTS physically, but to see members understand what RESULTS they are gaining emotionally and mentally, made me speechless!

As you can see, this past week was amazing! Im truly excited for the steps MGT will be taking in your lives! Thanks again for following the movement of RESULTS! Please share the RESULTS! Make sure you comment below and on Facebook. Your words may encourage others. Below is the link to our weekly video we are launching. Check it out! Hopefully you enjoyed Thanksgiving and spread the love of thanks toward anyone that has been apart of your life. Im thankful for all of you being apart of MGT and looking forward to making more steps towards your greatness! Again, spread the RESULTS! Send this blog to family and friends by email, Facebook, and Twitter. These are the experiences I have being a RESULT magnet! MGT!



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