

Hello everyone! I hope and pray your last week was wonderful! I want to start this blog off with a question. Have you ever wondered, “How do I make all my ideas come to pass?” We all have great ideas, but it seems they never come to existance. Have you ever created a idea and felt it could benefit the world? Or, a system that could help you make a huge profit and someone else came out with it before you did years later. Then you tell yourself, “That’s my idea!” The difference between you and that person is not the brilliance, but the ACTION you both put forth.

I truly believe the reason why most people are unhappy with their current situation is due to the lack of action they experience. Think about it! Write a list of ideas you put action to in the past month. As you look at your list, see the advantages you now have with these ideas. Everything on that list, you put action to and produce something I like to call RESULTS. Now, those ideas have been established and completed. Some of you probably wrote down, going to work, paying your bills, and even spending time with love one’s. Now all these assets are things we value. What happens if you did not put action to none of the ideas? You would be homeless and carless right. So, you produce it because you want the RESULTS of a car, house, lights, and phones. Same thing with other ideas we have that we would like to do that we dont do. Working out, creating your happiness, church, or even some “you time.” Write a list of the ideas you have not put action to, but you would like too. Now look at those ideas and think of how you would feel if they were completed. Now, search for the feeling you have at this moment. Is that feeling worth not putting action to your desires. Of course not!

The key to the two lists you have, come down to one word. Must! Everything you put action to right now, is a must. “All goals that are created, only happen when they are a must!” MGT! Make your ideas a must. Why not? If you have the idea of working out because you know the benefits will empower your desires, then do it. We are programmed to believe that, “It’s not easy as it seems.” That’s crap! There are two things I believe. If you value something very much, you will find a way to do it! If you value something very much, you will find a way to afford it! I like the quote my sister use. “Excuses are like a$$ holes, everyone has one!” Lol! It’s a funny statment, but it is the truth. We all make excuses, when it’s not a must. Have you ever put something together? A birthday party, wedding, or meeting? Has anyone ever given you some crap excuses why they could not make it or help out? I’m sure they have! The reason why you didn’t accept or understand those excuses was due to the fact of you making it a must and they probably weren’t. Same thing with us putting action to our ideas. Be the person that makes their ideas a priority, not an option.

I hope and pray you find favor with my words and thoughts. Remember, these are my ideas and philosophies. I would like all of you to put action towards the RESULTS you deserve! Why wait? Start today! I want to see you all to place a comment and list the power of you putting action to your ideas once you do it. Also, those that are in boot camps or the people I coach one on one; list the power of action you have discovered with me to help motivate others that are reading these blogs. Leave it on this page or Facebook. Make sure you share the RESULTS by reposting and sharing this blog. Also, The Battle of the Boot Camps is almost here! October 2nd, Memorial Park at 2PM. Well, I hope you all continue to take steps forward towards your RESULTS! I want to thank you for following us and congrats on bettering your mind by reading these blogs! These are the experiences I have of being a RESULT magnet! Thank you and God bless!


About meangreentraining

My name is Chris Green and i'm a certified personal training and motivationalist. I train people with the goals of improving their happiness, stronger mindframe, healthier lifestyle, prevent medical problems, flexabilty, physical appearance, and sports performance. I offer one on one personal training and the Mean Green Boot Camp which is a 6 week exercise boot camp full of fun, adventure and fitness. It is challenging yet a fun outdoor workout that you will ever find. This class motivate you to reach your fitness goals and help you live a healthier lifestyle. I also have self improvement seminars, there life changing! MGT!
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