

Take time right now and think of all your goals. As you think of them, if you can, write them down on a sheet of paper so we can use them throughout this blog. You may be wondering what goals or what issues I had with goals this past week. My answer to you would be, “I hit every goal I made.” I will break down the thoughts and experiences I had this past week with my goals and those of others.

Some people might think I was crazy if they ever step foot in my bathroom. Reason being, I have a list of goals on my mirror. I also notice that my goal list always goes up and come down. The reason for that action is me being a RESULT magnet. I understand I must put action to my goals to receive them. So I put up my list and focus on them daily. I place them on my bathroom mirror because that’s a place I see more than once a day. Therefore, it’s a constant reminder every time I see my goals. I look at them and repeatedly read them aloud so my brain will be in acceptance to my goals when I receive them. I know that if I visualize my goals daily, I can use “The Power of Focus” (past blog) which proves; “I receive any and everything I focus on!” The reason why I always take down my list is because I always hit my goals. Once you hit a goal, you must make more goals or you will find yourself at a standstill. That’s why we must go through the cycle of hitting goals
and replacing them with new goals. The brain is like the Google search engine. It works hard to find info, when asked. For example, let’s use the goal of losing 10 pounds out of your 50 pounds by the end of the month. You start off asking your brain, “How do I lose 10 pounds?” Your brain then replies back with the solution of knowledge of training or finding someone to coach you to the way of losing 10 pounds. Once you hit your goal and you never place any question (goal) in your search engine, then your computer goes to sleep mode. When nothing is completed you experience what most people call, “You’ve hit your plateau.” But, if you place another question in your search engine then you will continue to hit goals, because you continuously put something in your search engine. This is the reason why my MGT boot campers and I reach the desires of our hearts. As you look at the list of goals that you have in front of you, are you at a plateau or you repeatedly putting something in
your search engine to produce the RESULTS you want?

The other experience I had with goals is the emotional attachment of being in a world you’ve never seen or felt before. Look at your goal list again. I want you to close your eyes and picture yourself with everything on your goal list. You can picture all the materialistic things you have and the physical appearance you’ve always wanted. Now as you visualize your new self, picture the emotions you have. Most people have been hoping and praying for years, even decades, for some of their goals. Then picture every goal happen overnight. How would you feel? This reminds me of the people that take the quick fix of surgery to create their new body. (This is not for everyone that has done this, but majority.) They have no idea what it really feels like to go through daily steps to produce the new body they have. Therefore, their lifestyle has not changed. The experience of working out never became a part of them, so they still don’t work out. The experience of eating
healthy never became a part of them, so they still eat badly. This process continues because there is no self control and eventually the surgical bands break and the person becomes bigger than before or become even more unhappy than before. The other attachment is the ability to expand your mind and learn how powerful the brain is. I have coached numerous people that lose over 30 or 40 pounds and they still shop in the sections they use to wear. This happens when your mind does not grow with your new physical body. At MGT boot camps we help develop your mind as well as the body. You see countless members hit their physical appearance goals but still maintain going to boot camps because their mind is still growing. This is a very critical part of someone’s transformation. I’ve seen a lot of people change and come back heavier because of being in the same mind frame they’ve been in their whole life, with a new body. This is something we learn hands on at MGT seminars. This past week I helped several
of my members with the emotional attachments they have with their goals. You have to reprogram, relink pleasure & pain, and focus on new goals throughout your journey.

It has been awesome to be able to help people daily with their goals. As you can see, there are many steps you must obtain to successfully achieve any goal. This past week I saw several people having to adjust the mind to the new person they are becoming, which is a good problem. It’s like a women having a child. You have to go through some procedures and pain to produce the most valuable gift in the world, life. All of you that are in MGT are learning how to do this daily. I want to take time to tell you congrats and to keep pushing and focusing forward. Those that are not with MGT yet, search for wisdom and always stay coachable. Hopefully, you will soon join a MGT program and receive nothing but RESULTS throughout your experience!

As I end this blog, I want to thank those that are following my philosophies and thoughts. There will be a powerful seminar on 9-11-10. Limited seats! Also, fall boot camps start after Labor Day. Stop waiting on your RESULTS! Put action to the desires you deserve, right now! Also, remember if you have any questions or topics you want me to discuss, please feel free to contact me. Share the RESULTS! Send this blog to someone you love and comment on the page or on Facebook. (You can find us on Facebook: meangreentraining@yahoo.com) I pray that all of you receive the desires of your heart. I encourage you all to focus on things that are positive and that empower your happiness. I hope my words have helped you break through any glass ceiling that’s above you. These are the actions I encounter of being a “RESULT magnet!” Thank you all and God bless!


About meangreentraining

My name is Chris Green and i'm a certified personal training and motivationalist. I train people with the goals of improving their happiness, stronger mindframe, healthier lifestyle, prevent medical problems, flexabilty, physical appearance, and sports performance. I offer one on one personal training and the Mean Green Boot Camp which is a 6 week exercise boot camp full of fun, adventure and fitness. It is challenging yet a fun outdoor workout that you will ever find. This class motivate you to reach your fitness goals and help you live a healthier lifestyle. I also have self improvement seminars, there life changing! MGT!
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