

Hello everyone! Hope all is well with you! I had an AWESOME week! This past weekend we had our first day of the $40 boot camp on Saturday, our MGT Seminar, and my birthday! Throughout the week I noticed and also shared what patterns are and how they can benefit or destroy you. This is a topic we really examined at the seminar, but I will share some of the information with you all. (The seminar was powerful!) I wanted to thank you all that reached out to me via facebook, phone calls, and email to wish me me a happy birthday. Also, I wanted to thank all those that attended the MGT Seminar too.Thanks!

Throughout the week I notice the daily routine we all have. Most of us wake up and go to work, have some type of me time and do it all over again. Then once the weekend comes, we try to treat ourselves with some type of pleasure. Then I went into deep thought and used it towards working out and with other issues we deal with in everyday life. All patterns are necessary steps to produce the RESULT we want. I ask myself, “Why do we interrupt the patterns that work for us?” Think about it! Those that feel they are overweight, probably know how to lose weight. If they dont, I’m sure they know how to find someone that’s a trainer. I’m sure they understand they have to move more and eating properly with their food intake. Also that they have to be consistent and put action to their goal. BUT! We seem to always interrupt our patterns by skipping a procedure or trying to do it a different way. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Why try to reinvent the wheel, when
it already works?” Same thing! We try to do these quick schemes to avoid what we feel we can’t do and put ourselves in a position where we don’t get the RESULTS we deserve! They are steps for a reason. The most successful people that achieve their visions follow the proper procedures to get their RESULTS! Dont interrupt pattterns that work for you already!

On the other hand, we can interrupt patterns that don’t empower us to our RESULTS! This was a portion we really concentrated on at the seminar. When you hear “don’t interrupt something that works,” it sounds great. We dug even deeper, because we understand that we are creatures of habit. Therefore, if we can interrupt patterns that empower us, why not interrupt patterns that disrupt us? If you know the patterns that make you feel horrible, why not break them?Lets use this for example. Does anyone want to mad? Of course not! Now, there are patterns to get mad. No one (hopefully) gets mad just because they want to. There are procedures we have to take. Lets use driving on the road. If you’re almost hit on the road, we usually go through certain patterns. We usually yell some words that are probably negative words. We then speed up and look over to them and give them that eye or finger. Then as you both continue to drive apart, you’re steady talking to
yourself about them being all kinds of idiots and everything else. Also, you notice you are probably in a bad mood or just find yourself mad about things that usually dont make you upset. What happens when that person almost hits you and you interrupt that pattern by waving at them saying ” It’s ok” instead of the other pattern we just discussed? You break the other procedures and go on about your day without being mad.

Now we can use interruption with patterns to help us to our vision or use the pattern to create the RESULTS you desire. If you use this principle it can recreate your mindframe and help you breakthrough to any vision you desire. I use it all the time as I coach MGT members. We put ourselves in position to follow positive patterns we have created and interrupt patterns we notice that may distract us.

Again, I thank you all for following my blog and to see how I interact with the things I adventure weekly. I pray these words help encourage you and motivate you to conquer anything you may be facing. Remember, these are my philosophies and thoughts. Use them to transform your life, now! Stop waiting on your RESULTS! Put action to the desires you deserve, right now! Also, remember if you have any questions or topics you want me to discuss, please feel free to contact me. Share the RESULTS! Send this blog to someone you love and comment on the page or on Facebook. (You can find us on Facebook: I pray that all of you receive the desires of your heart. I encourage you all to focus on things that are positive and that empower your happiness. These are the actions I encounter of being a “RESULT magnet!” Thank you all and God bless!


About meangreentraining

My name is Chris Green and i'm a certified personal training and motivationalist. I train people with the goals of improving their happiness, stronger mindframe, healthier lifestyle, prevent medical problems, flexabilty, physical appearance, and sports performance. I offer one on one personal training and the Mean Green Boot Camp which is a 6 week exercise boot camp full of fun, adventure and fitness. It is challenging yet a fun outdoor workout that you will ever find. This class motivate you to reach your fitness goals and help you live a healthier lifestyle. I also have self improvement seminars, there life changing! MGT!
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