Powerful Adjustments!


Hello to all MGT followers! I’m excited for you because you are impoving your life by reading this blog. Keep following the movement! “You are, what you produce!” MGT!

My father often jokenly says, “if your talking to yourself, its not foolish as long as its an intelligent conversation.”  See the truth is, we have conversations with ourselves everyday whether or not you realize it.  Think about it, when you wake up, you probaly often say why do have to wake up, or Im too tired or do I have to? See My philosophy is, those who know what to say to themselves are those that are getting the RESULTS they desire. See our brain is those most powerful computer designed, when you ask a question it will give you the answer.  The problem is most people ask crappy questions, therefore get crappy answers and ultimately live crappy lives. Our internal dialogue, can empower or diempower our actions. Our words become thoughts,, our thoughts become actions, and our actions become our results. Its imperative that we ask powerful questions? For the next Seven days practice asking how instead of why.  For example instead of saying why do I have to get up, Say how can I live with joy and make the best of my day?  The brain will tell you something like smile more give your best, instead of saying, because you have to go to work to pay the bills. Instead of saying I’m too tired to work out, say I love the way I feel after I workout.  One of the best kept sercrets is he who ever controls the mind controls the man or women.  Gain more control by asking quality questions, and speaking declarations that will build you.

Remember, your mind is like a Google search. The better the question, better the answer our brain gives.”Start asking yourself questions that figure out the solution, instead of stating the failure options you already know.” MGT!

Well guys, that’s it for this week blog. Continue to follow the movement to RESULTS! We are having a $5 explosion ( insane price), this Saturday at 8:30 at Hermann park. Better your life now! Contact us and get registered now! Also help MGT out, spread the RESULTS! Make sure you comment below, others read your comments and encourages them! Thank you for following me and you are a RESULTs magnet! Stay blessed! MGT!

Mean Green Training

About meangreentraining

My name is Chris Green and i'm a certified personal training and motivationalist. I train people with the goals of improving their happiness, stronger mindframe, healthier lifestyle, prevent medical problems, flexabilty, physical appearance, and sports performance. I offer one on one personal training and the Mean Green Boot Camp which is a 6 week exercise boot camp full of fun, adventure and fitness. It is challenging yet a fun outdoor workout that you will ever find. This class motivate you to reach your fitness goals and help you live a healthier lifestyle. I also have self improvement seminars, there life changing! MGT!
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