The RESULT touch


Hello to all MGT followers! Thank you for following the movement of RESULTS! This past week was amazing! I encountered so much from being a RESULT magnet.

This past weekend we had our MGT boot camp explosion. This is where we invite our family and friends to come out and experience a real workout. This give people the chance to participate with members of boot camps and to get a feel for me as a trainer. We had a blast! If you were there, I want to tell you congrats and thank you at the same time. Those that were unable to attend, you really missed out! Next time we have this event, take massive action and join us. What we experienced was the power of positive energy. Throughout the day, I observed the positive words through the challenging workouts and saw how it encourages individuals to not only motivate themselves, but other by achieving RESULTS.

Do you remember the “Midas Touch” commercial? The one where everything the man touched became gold. How would you feel if you could have the power of that touch? Many people feel that I have the same ability with the RESULT touch, which I do! People seem to think I find luck with everything that I do. But, I feel differently! I know for a fact that the reason I find so much favor with my steps are due to the energy I give and attract. “You get, what you give!” MGT! Thats why I’m so big on doing the small things for people. Understand that everything you do, is part of your demeanor. If you’re the person that never calls people back, never on time, always has excuses, or never have anything good to say about anyone, you usually attract that certain energy. Those that do the opposite bring what I like to call, “The RESULT touch.” Just like the commercial, you have the power of having the same touch. Start now! Produce what you desire! Start doing the small things throughout your walk. Remember, “What you are consistent at, you become great at.” MGT! Every action you place towards your emotion, do it with confidence! I want you to think of a young, sincere child. When they ask a parent for a dollar, they ask with confidence. They know without a shadow of doubt, that their parent can and will give them that dollar. Same thing with your ” RESULT touch.” Every goal you want and believe for, conquer it with confidence that you know you will achieve it. It makes a big difference!

Lastly, I want to thank all of you for the prestigious award I received for becoming Trainer of the Year! It really took me by surprise and I’m very honored to have received this award! I didn’t notice until last week, how many people lives that were transformed within 2010 alone. To see many of MGT members happy, prosperous, and living life with passion and joy due to the actions of MGT was heart touching. It was hard for me to speak upon the award, after hearing the thoughts and testimonies of the members emotions. To see how MGT has help some gain their life back! Their confidence! Their happiness! Happier marriages! Achieving careers! Getting engaged! Graduating! Getting married! Having children! These were the emotions members are receiving mentally. We all know we get RESULTS physically, but to see members understand what RESULTS they are gaining emotionally and mentally, made me speechless!

As you can see, this past week was amazing! Im truly excited for the steps MGT will be taking in your lives! Thanks again for following the movement of RESULTS! Please share the RESULTS! Make sure you comment below and on Facebook. Your words may encourage others. Below is the link to our weekly video we are launching. Check it out! Hopefully you enjoyed Thanksgiving and spread the love of thanks toward anyone that has been apart of your life. Im thankful for all of you being apart of MGT and looking forward to making more steps towards your greatness! Again, spread the RESULTS! Send this blog to family and friends by email, Facebook, and Twitter. These are the experiences I have being a RESULT magnet! MGT!



About meangreentraining

My name is Chris Green and i'm a certified personal training and motivationalist. I train people with the goals of improving their happiness, stronger mindframe, healthier lifestyle, prevent medical problems, flexabilty, physical appearance, and sports performance. I offer one on one personal training and the Mean Green Boot Camp which is a 6 week exercise boot camp full of fun, adventure and fitness. It is challenging yet a fun outdoor workout that you will ever find. This class motivate you to reach your fitness goals and help you live a healthier lifestyle. I also have self improvement seminars, there life changing! MGT!
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1 Response to The RESULT touch

  1. tinadbailey says:

    Its amazing how one person can not only change ones physical appearance but also transform them into a renewed person spiritually and emotionally. By planting positive words and encouragement within them that help them self motivate, walk with confidence, excel at work, etc. It’s the small things such as those that can seem small or trivial to one person but can actually alter someone’s life. I like in the blog where you say, “Produce what you desire” because it is important to look at yourself and self reflect to see what kind of energy am I giving, how am I carrying myself, what is my attitude like towards others, and if am I happy with the feedback that I am getting from what I am producing. Because at the end of the day I want to have “The RESULT touch,” so that everything and everyone that I come into contact with turns into gold!

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