System of RESULTS

We are now over two weeks into 2011. I hope you all are sticking to your systems to reach the RESULTS you desire. I have really been pushing hard to reach the standards I have set for myself and MGT members. The past couple of weeks have been great! I have seen the commitment of those that did not let the cold weather prevent their RESULTS. That’s priceless to me! On the other hand, I have seen people use it as an excuse and now they’re on the verge of letting those goals they set for the new year get overlooked again.

The good thing is that it’s only been two weeks into the new year. We still have plenty of time to get back on track. Why shouldn’t we stay consistent on what we know will bring us happiness? Im going to discuss the red and blue pill in this blog. This is a theory I use from the movie “The Matrix.”

I want you to really be honest and think of everything you have achieved. Think of graduation or getting your driving licence. You couldn’t wake up and say, “That’s what I want and I’m going to do it my way to get it.” In reality, you had to sacrifice time and effort to follow a proven system to reach your desires of receiving that diploma or driver license. If we happen to get off course and try to do things in our own manner, we would fail a class. We all try our own methods at times, but the ones that get back on track, are the ones that reach their desires. If we know what works, why don’t we follow that proven system?

The Matrix senerio I use at my seminars are powerful! I want you to think of life and how it will be if you don’t hit all your goals. How will you look now, five years from now, and ten years from now. If you are not following systems now and becoming consistent at reaching your standards, you will not do it later. So, I want you to do the opposite and help you follow proven systems to reach your desires you deserve! In the movie “The Matrix” it shows a scene where he had a decision to make for his future. I will reword it to help paint a picture for you guys.

You could take the blue pill and act like you dont know better, act like the proven systems were never mentioned to you. Or, you could take the red pill and transform your life by following proven systems. Know, this is the truth, nothing more or nothing less.

This is what I’m offering to you all. The truth! The way to get RESULTS you really desire. It’s time for you to make up your mind and transform your life! Make a decision to choose the red pill. Make a decision to join the movement of RESULTS this new year. Don’t wait until it’s too late. That birthday, trip, wedding, or other big events thats already planned will be here before you know it. Lets get the RESULTS you need!

Well guys, that’s going to be it for this blog. I pray you all get involved! Its your time! Don’t let the energy you had for the new year go down the drain. You can do it now!

Thank you for following our blogs. Continue to grow mentally and you will become what you desire physically. We will be having a seminar at 2:00pm on Saturday, January 29th. Reserve your seat now and your admission will be FREE. Limited space available. Continue to share the RESULTS by posting and sending emails and videos to everyone. Thank you all! I love you! Live life with passion, live it with love! These are the actions I conquer, being a RESULT magnet! Believe! Achieve! Receive!

Chris Green



About meangreentraining

My name is Chris Green and i'm a certified personal training and motivationalist. I train people with the goals of improving their happiness, stronger mindframe, healthier lifestyle, prevent medical problems, flexabilty, physical appearance, and sports performance. I offer one on one personal training and the Mean Green Boot Camp which is a 6 week exercise boot camp full of fun, adventure and fitness. It is challenging yet a fun outdoor workout that you will ever find. This class motivate you to reach your fitness goals and help you live a healthier lifestyle. I also have self improvement seminars, there life changing! MGT!
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1 Response to System of RESULTS

  1. Alison says:

    Reading this gave me a reminder/boost since I’ve been kinda down lately because I’ve been distracted by people in my life that are influencing me by slowing me down. I’m reminded that in the very end I’m only responsible for ME and MY mindset. I’ve been proud of myself as far as attitudes and behaviors in how I treat other people in conflict–I’ve taken the “red pill” so to speak, in that I strive as much as humanly possible to be better, to know better, and to take responsibility for me.

    Good read 🙂

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