“Diets” and MGT


Hello to all MGT followers! I’m very excited that you are taking the steps in improving your life by using my empowering words to help take your mind to another level. I hope you all have been placing my philosophies into your new lifestyle for the New Year. I’m actually going to talk about a topic someone asked me to speak about, which is “diets.”

Honestly, I don’t believe in diets. I once noticed that the first three letters in the word spells “die.” Therefore, I’m not going to use any word that starts with that. Lol! The reason I don’t believe in the word diet, is due to it being temporary. I don’t want people to eat a certain way and it last only for a season. Then, before you know it, you are back to square one or worse. I’m in the business of transforming people lives. I like to take the approach of finding different methods and making adjustments to your food intake. I will give you guys some pointers, but remember this is a blog, I can only give so much within this blog.

The rumor that starving yourself or not eating as much is a horrible idea. Your body loves to be treated like they’re loved. If you don’t feed it enough, then they will feel unwanted. Whenever they do eat, they will eat as much as they can, even though they may be full. Your body will store as much as it can, because it does not know when the next time you will feed it. As time goes on, every time you feed it, it adds to its storage because it does not release the food. Which makes a person gain weight, instead of losing weight. Therefore, feed your body. The more you feed it, the more it’s willing to release. You should feed your body every three hours. For example, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Then once you have those balance meals, you can add your snacks in between those meals. (Not snickers, but shakes, nutrition bars, fruit, or any other healthy snacks.) Remember, the portion size of your food should not be huge amounts. The last thing I want to discuss is the time of day that you are eating. I like to use the “sun up and sun down routine.” Your body is designed to wake up and eat. As you fuel your body throughout the day, your last meal should be when the sun is going down. You should not eat within three hours of your bedtime.

I know I threw a lot of information on you guys, but I wanted to give you some pointers that can help you. I read something on Facebook, that one of my MGT members wrote. She said she wanted to grow mentally, so she can produce further RESULTS physically. I read that and I smiled, because it’s so true. You must grow mentally, to get what you want physically. So, those that want to have a healthier lifestyle, search for more wisdom. Become apart of the movement, at MGT. You must change your approach until you reach the RESULTS you desire. Which is a process that’s completed at MGT.

I hope my words will help you make better decisions and to get you closer to the RESULTS that you desire. Make sure you apply massive action until you reach your destination. You deserve the best, so you must work like you’re the best.

Also, take our online survey. We are deciding on some new boot camps and times. Please provide your opinion, by clicking the link below.

Well, I pray you guys find favor throughout the week and that you only accept empowering words and actions. Make sure you follow the movement. This week and next week MGT will be having some great promotions to get those that are not apart of MGT involved. Put actions towards your RESULTS now! I love you guys! Make sure you live life with love, live it with passion! These are the experiences I have of being a RESULT magnet.



About meangreentraining

My name is Chris Green and i'm a certified personal training and motivationalist. I train people with the goals of improving their happiness, stronger mindframe, healthier lifestyle, prevent medical problems, flexabilty, physical appearance, and sports performance. I offer one on one personal training and the Mean Green Boot Camp which is a 6 week exercise boot camp full of fun, adventure and fitness. It is challenging yet a fun outdoor workout that you will ever find. This class motivate you to reach your fitness goals and help you live a healthier lifestyle. I also have self improvement seminars, there life changing! MGT!
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