“The skill of anticipation”


Why are some people successful at relationships, family, inner peace, money, jobs, and keeping up their physical appearance? My philosophy is that those that know how to master the skill of anticipation are able to reach the level of happiness they desire. You may be asking, what do you mean by anticipation? And I’m glad you asked. The skill of anticipating what’s going to happen next and to make the adjustment that gives you the results you desire, is a skill that all successful people have.

The materialistic things we desire such as luxury cars, beautiful homes, spouses, friends, family, and our status doesn’t make us accomplished. What we all truly seek is the emotion we call, happiness. I’m sure you know or see people that have these items like the luxury cars and the beautiful homes and still have problems or are depressed. Have you ever heard of a celebrity on drugs? Or made some drastic decision and wondered why? It’s because the emotional thirst they have. The reason why one drinks massively or does drugs is due to the high they want to receive in life. But, it’s only temporary, so that’s how people end up becoming addicts. They search over and over for that high that’s only temporary, which can cause destruction. The same process happens with success. If your goal is to work your way to a million dollars or get that job you really want, the high of reaching your goal will be temporary. Once you receive it, you will be like, “Oh, this is cool. I have reached my goal, but what’s next?” If the legs of your success are not supported with happiness, then truly, you will not be happy. You will diligently seek the emotion of happiness. Therefore the skill of anticipation plays a huge part of being happy.

Happiness is a breakdown of what empowers you. The word happiness means, to be excited or joyful about a specific emotion or item. To be happy with yourself, you must first understand “You”. What that means is you have to understand what makes you happy. Am I really doing what I want to do for a living? Do I really look like what I truly desire in the mirror? Do I really treat people how I want to be treated? Do I like my relationships? Do I like the way people treat me? Do I like being around my family or friends? Once you understand yourself, then you can understand what makes you happy. Think about the questions I just asked you. If you honestly answered these questions with a yes, then you’re probably happy. If you answered the questions and your response was no to most of them, then your probably not as happy as you would like to be or could be.

Now that you understand that the legs to our desires must be supported with happiness, I will show you the skill of anticipation. The reason why this skill is so important is because of the word “change”. In our society, things always change. Think about it. The world changed when the first man broke the record of the four minute mile run. It was amazing! But now, kids in high school can run a mile under 4 minutes, which shows us change will happen over time. If we still lived on what happened in the past and didn’t change, we would be at a stand still and the development of technology would have never took place. Think of the first computer, phone, or car. If change would have never happened then we would not have the ability to take advantage of the things we have now. So, as you can see, change will happen. Now those that can anticipate what can happen and make adjustments will always survive the next chapter of life.

You can be great at a skill, but when there is no need for that skill anymore, you’re stuck or not needed. If you don’t master the skill of anticipation and don’t make the appropriate changes, when change does happen you will not produce the results you want. Think about a relationship. When you first meet, your conversation is great and everything is perfect. What happens if the woman grows and the guy is still stuck at the beginning stage of the relationship? Things will not progress. But! If the guy anticipates their growth and does things different before change happens, then change does not affect them. That’s how people have 20, 30, or even 50 years of passion in their marriages. Because both know how to anticipate what each other will do or how things will change. Think of weight loss, what will happen if you anticipate what will happen next? Will you keep doing what you were doing, which gave you the results you were getting? Or would you join or learn a proven system, to get the results you truly desire. That being said, anticipation goes into many things that we encounter in life. If you can conquer this skill, you will find yourself being a happier person.

As you can see, I was long winded with this topic. It’s very powerful and I know the affect it can have in your life. This is just a portion of what I teach in my one on one coaching sessions. Change can be fearful, but only to those that don’t know how to master the skill of anticipation. I hope you all find favor with my words and beliefs. Make sure you put massive actions towards you desires. These are the actions I have being a result magnet. Remember to pass this blog on to someone else or post it on your social networks. Well, live life with love, live it with passion! MGT!


About meangreentraining

My name is Chris Green and i'm a certified personal training and motivationalist. I train people with the goals of improving their happiness, stronger mindframe, healthier lifestyle, prevent medical problems, flexabilty, physical appearance, and sports performance. I offer one on one personal training and the Mean Green Boot Camp which is a 6 week exercise boot camp full of fun, adventure and fitness. It is challenging yet a fun outdoor workout that you will ever find. This class motivate you to reach your fitness goals and help you live a healthier lifestyle. I also have self improvement seminars, there life changing! MGT!
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