“Live life to give, not to drain”


I hope all is well with you guys. I know that I have been away, but I’m back! We had a lot going on in the world of MGT.  So, I do thank you in advance for your patience, for the support and comments that you guys have put on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and emails. They really mean a lot to the MGT family.

Now my question for you is, wouldn’t you like to live life with love and passion? Live life like you really enjoy it? Of course you do! Therefore, the more we learn about our mind, body, and soul the more it will help us reach the status we want. You all know that I’m real big on how you feel internally, because that’s what you are going to produce externally. So I will be sharing with you all another skill that will help you live life with more smiles. This skill is called, “live life to give, not to drain.” I will be referring to a previous blog, “The tree of relationship.” So if you haven’t seen that video or blog, make sure you go back and check that out.

When you live life to give it’s more than likely you will receive unexpected blessings or what we like to call RESULTS. For example, do you have anyone in your family that only calls you when they need something? One day it’s money, transportation, a ride or calls you to let out all their frustrations. But! When they just got paid or when everything is fine you never hear from them. Does this sound familiar? Those kind of people are considered to be leafs. Remember that leafs are people that will drain you for whatever you have and then blow away once they have received all they can from you. Now dig deep and think about the feelings you have towards those people. Do you like giving to them? Do you like being around them? How do you feel when you see their name on the caller ID? For the most part, you do not like being around or bothered by those people. This is because they only take, take and take. Now, if something great happens to you do you think of those people first? Do you want to give your hard work, energy, or effort to them? Probably not! Now those people usually look like they have bad luck and that nothing ever goes their way. Why not? Why can’t they ever catch a break? The reason usually falls in the lines of them always being looked upon as a leaf. Deep!

Let’s flip this story. I want you to think of the people that are always there for you. Think of when times were tough, when you needed a helping hand, encouraging voice, when you graduated, or accomplished something great. These are the type of people you always talk to, because they are considered as your roots. No matter where you go or how tough the weather may be, your roots will be there. Therefore, when ever you receive something or can help out, you should always try to. When you are on the outside looking in, someone else would probably think that person is so lucky and that things always fall in there hands. One of the reasons why they do is because someone is always trying to benefit them instead of trying to benefit from them, due to them being a root.

I have given you some new tools. We now know that we need to be more roots to people in their lives instead of always trying to take, take, and take. As you can see the energy you give in life, is the energy you are going to receive in life. Make a decision to always try to help or give. See what blessings will fall into your hands. Be prepared for some floodgates to pour out so many RESULTS, that you have to give some away. Powerful! Take advantage now! See how your luck will change!

Again guys, I want to thank you all for following me. Remember to stay consistent and put massive action towards the desires of your heart. You only fail, when you quit! We have a MGT Boot Camp Explosion coming up on May 28th. We are selling tickets for only $5! Email me, if you want your ticket (chris@meangreenbootcamp.com). Also, if want to learn how to take you happiness to another level, come to our MGT Self Improvement Seminar. It is FREE, but there is  limited space so reserve your seat now by emailing us or confirming on Facebook. Please share this blog on Facebook and Twitter!

Thank you for your energy and time! Remember to live life with love, live it with passion! “Believe! Achieve! Receive! MGT!


About meangreentraining

My name is Chris Green and i'm a certified personal training and motivationalist. I train people with the goals of improving their happiness, stronger mindframe, healthier lifestyle, prevent medical problems, flexabilty, physical appearance, and sports performance. I offer one on one personal training and the Mean Green Boot Camp which is a 6 week exercise boot camp full of fun, adventure and fitness. It is challenging yet a fun outdoor workout that you will ever find. This class motivate you to reach your fitness goals and help you live a healthier lifestyle. I also have self improvement seminars, there life changing! MGT!
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