
Dear soldiers,

I hope all is well with you guys. I know you’re living life with love and living your life with plenty of passion. I personally wanted to thank you all for all of the support you have showed these last couple of weeks. All of our groups are mostly filled and we have several excited members on the waiting list to join the RESULTS. Also, I have been getting a lot of feedback on the MGT Motivation Videos. I’m glad that you are implementing my theories and experiences into your daily routines. Keep pressing and sharing the RESULTS on your social networks.

What I have been experiencing lately is a lot of dreaming. I have been discussing it in my one on one coaching sessions as well as with my family and friends. Therefore, I feel that this was a great time to write a blog about it.
Now we all have dreams every night. Sometime we can wake up and remember what our dream was about and sometimes we cannot. But as we talk about dreams, I want to relate them to the dreams that you may have for yourself. What are your dreams and desires? What did you want to be when you were in high school? Or when you were a child? I’m sure at one time or another you had the ambition to do or be something. The question is, did it turn out that way you thought it would?

I have a couple of steps that I want to discuss with you that will help you reach the desires of your heart. The first tool I want to give you is called, “Stop dreaming to get to your dreams.” Are you sleeping your day away? Did you know most CEO’s workout at 5am? How much do you get done before the sun has set? Do you sleep until you go to work? Do you sleep once you get home from work? Now think about it. If you are steadily dreaming about the body you desire but never put action to it, will you ever reach your dreams? Let me answer that for you, No! I’m not telling you that you don’t need to sleep, but you do need to sleep at the appropriate time. Everyone has different schedules. But you cannot sleep around all day and expect to get the body of your dreams without any exercise. You cannot get the person of your dreams if you sleep all day! So the first key is to, “Stop dreaming to get to your dreams.”

Tool number two is best said by the rap group OutKast. “It’s time to get up, get out and do something.” Faith without works is dead! You have to put massive action towards your desires. Do you believe that you deserve the desires of your heart? Of course you do! However, mom or your best friend can’t get your happiness for you. You have to do it for yourself. That job or career that you want, you have to get up, get out and go get it! Complaining about your current situation will never get you to your dreams. When you complain, you remain. Do you really want the woman/man of your dreams? Don’t you deserve to meet your soul mate? Of course you do! But, staying on Facebook all night instead of getting out and getting it will never get you to your dreams. Getting the body of your dreams only happens when “you get up, get out and get something.” Infomercials only help you to hope, but if you don’t go get it, then you will never reach your dreams.

The truth of the matter is that we all have different lifestyles. I want all of you to not live in regret. The only thing you should regret in life is not learning from your past. Everything that happens to you happens for a reason. It’s a new year, we have to concentrate on our greatness. I know we all have had situations that happened that may have knocked you off track. But you still have greatness to receive. I want to ask you a question. When did you stop dreaming? I want you to dream like a child, dream big! I gave you a couple of tools so that when you do have these dreams, you have a strategy to reach them. My father told me some very powerful words years ago. He told me, “Your dreams only fail when you stop trying.” Take those words and let them motivate you to reach your dreams. You can do it! Right now, it’s your time! Get what you deserve!

Again, I want to congratulate you for bettering your life by gaining more knowledge. Continue to take a step towards your greatness by using these tools daily. Remember, goals are not just made to have them, but made to hit them. Don’t just be a hearer of these words, but be a doer. I love you all! Make sure you share the words with your people on Facebook, twitter, and etc. Stay blessed guys!

Believe! Achieve! Receive!
Chris Green

About meangreentraining

My name is Chris Green and i'm a certified personal training and motivationalist. I train people with the goals of improving their happiness, stronger mindframe, healthier lifestyle, prevent medical problems, flexabilty, physical appearance, and sports performance. I offer one on one personal training and the Mean Green Boot Camp which is a 6 week exercise boot camp full of fun, adventure and fitness. It is challenging yet a fun outdoor workout that you will ever find. This class motivate you to reach your fitness goals and help you live a healthier lifestyle. I also have self improvement seminars, there life changing! MGT!
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