Powerful Adjustments!


Hello to all MGT followers! I’m excited for you because you are impoving your life by reading this blog. Keep following the movement! “You are, what you produce!” MGT!

My father often jokenly says, “if your talking to yourself, its not foolish as long as its an intelligent conversation.”  See the truth is, we have conversations with ourselves everyday whether or not you realize it.  Think about it, when you wake up, you probaly often say why do have to wake up, or Im too tired or do I have to? See My philosophy is, those who know what to say to themselves are those that are getting the RESULTS they desire. See our brain is those most powerful computer designed, when you ask a question it will give you the answer.  The problem is most people ask crappy questions, therefore get crappy answers and ultimately live crappy lives. Our internal dialogue, can empower or diempower our actions. Our words become thoughts,, our thoughts become actions, and our actions become our results. Its imperative that we ask powerful questions? For the next Seven days practice asking how instead of why.  For example instead of saying why do I have to get up, Say how can I live with joy and make the best of my day?  The brain will tell you something like smile more give your best, instead of saying, because you have to go to work to pay the bills. Instead of saying I’m too tired to work out, say I love the way I feel after I workout.  One of the best kept sercrets is he who ever controls the mind controls the man or women.  Gain more control by asking quality questions, and speaking declarations that will build you.

Remember, your mind is like a Google search. The better the question, better the answer our brain gives.”Start asking yourself questions that figure out the solution, instead of stating the failure options you already know.” MGT!

Well guys, that’s it for this week blog. Continue to follow the movement to RESULTS! We are having a $5 explosion ( insane price), this Saturday at 8:30 at Hermann park. Better your life now! Contact us and get registered now! Also help MGT out, spread the RESULTS! Make sure you comment below, others read your comments and encourages them! Thank you for following me and you are a RESULTs magnet! Stay blessed! MGT!

Mean Green Training

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Preventing extra hoilday pounds


Hello to all! I want to thank you all for following my actions and thoughts of being a RESULT magnet. I pray my philosophies and opinions affect you all in a positive manner. There was actually a request for me to speak about this topic (via Twitter) and it’s amazing how good of timing this subject is for the upcoming season.

Let’s think about the important dates we have coming soon. We have Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. That means we will have family and friends visiting and we can’t forget about all the parties that will be coming up. Lastly, we can forget about the 6-12 pounds the average person gains during this 6 week period. Yes, reread that last sentence again. It’s true! Think about all the dinners, sweets, and drinks we will encounter. I want to express different ways to enjoy your holiday season, but also to experience it in a healthier manner. MGT usually hold a winter seminar on this topic, but I felt like it was time to share these thoughts now!  So I will share a couple of steps on preventing the extra holiday pounds.

Step 1: The most common situation everyone deals with during this season is meeting spots for those who want to hang out. Usually, most people want to meet where and do what? Go to restaurants to eat and drink! It’s just part of our programming. We link so much pleasure to food and drinks. Therefore, I have some pointers if you must meet at a food place. Number one, NO BUFFET! You will not meet someone and only stay for 15-30 minutes. Understand, one way you do gain weight is by snacking. If you have unlimited food in front of you at all times, you will unconsciously eat what’s in front of you, no matter if you are full or not. For example, if two friends meet and they haven’t seen each other in months or years, they will probably chat for at least one to two hours. Now would you normally eat continuosly for two hours straight? Probably not. If you can, try not to even meet at restaurants! Well, what else can we do Chris? Glad you asked. Know, the more you move, the more you live! If your active, then you’re probably burning calories, instead of intaking them. Replace your meeting arrangement with something like shopping. Today society handicaps us to be very lazy! Don’t shop online, go to malls and shopping centers. If you meet your friend to do Christmas shopping instead of sitting and eating, then you will prevent yourself from gaining some holiday pounds and get some RESULTS. You still will get to encounter the same smiles and laughter that you would anywhere else.

Step 2:
Food intake! I know this may be challenging, but you can enjoy holiday food and not go overboard. Here are some guidelines I give to my MGT members to help them get RESULTS during the holiday season. Exercise! Just because it’s the holidays, doesn’t give you a pass to eat and not gain. It won’t hurt you to get up and walk for 30-45 mins. Benefit your life by living it in a healthy manner. Now that we understand that we can workout before we get a day started, know you can still do active activities. We talked about shopping, but there are many other activities you can do that will burn over 300 calories. For example, cleaning the house, putting up decorations, or washing the dishes. Now that we see how we can burn calories, let’s discuss some food ideas. Here are some food tips I have that will help you achieve during this season:
– Before all major meals drink two glasses of water before you eat.
– Completely chew your food and swallow before your next bite.
– Make sure you don’t starve yourself, waiting on main meals.
– If you are the cook, get others to taste food for you so you’re not snacking all day.
– Don’t stuff your self when you are already full, not cute!

Lastly, alcohol! Look at the intake of your favorite drinks. I know eggnog is going to be on every kitchen table you see, but understand that yout body stores so much of your liquor intake. I recommended you drink at least 96 ounces of water or half your body weight in ounces. If you do decide to drink, set yourself a maximum number you will intake and stick to it. Try not to meet at bars or happy hours for social visits.

80% of our society will gain during this holiday season. I know
these are things we like to do, but I know 20% of you will use this blog and get RESULTS from my recommendations. Life feels so awesome when you live in a healthier manner. You’re more confident and you live longer. This blog can help you take a step towards your RESULTS, IF YOU DECIDE TO!

Again, thank you all for following the RESULT movement! Please comment on page or on Facebook. We are having our $5 family and friends boot camp explosion at Hermann Park, at 8:30 on Saturday the 20th. Get your ticket now! Thank you all and stay bless! MGT!

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The past week was amazing to me! I had so much fun discovering the power of RESULTS! The “The Battle of the Boot Camps” was awesome! All the events were so close and the Westside boot camp defended their title by a last event victory. Overall, the day was fantastic. We had a blast! I thank everyone who came out and made this event as powerful and successful as it was. On the other hand, I notice how certain members took their performance to another level. It was interesting seeing all the members in MGT get prepared for “Battle.” This blog I will discuss and relate the power of athletes and the mind frame they have towards reaching the RESULTS they want.

Do you watch sports? Hopefully you do. Athletes are very powerful to me. I love watching basketball and football. The excitement of seeing people give their all go achieve a RESULT they desire is so powerful to me. Now, I want you to relate to any sport you may watch. One of my favorite things to entertain is the press conference or interviews after the games. Athletes minds operate in one fashion, which is to prosper. For example, Kobe Bryant. “Kobe, how do you feel about losing the championship to the Celtics this year?” “It really hurts inside, but I now know what I have to do to receive the RESULTS I want. I will work even harder this offeseason! No one will work harder than me! I will not stop until I reach my desires!” Now lets use this and relate it to the RESULTS we want to achieve. Have you ever wanted to accomplish something and failed? How did that make you feel? What were your next steps? Did you quit or did you continue until you
reached the RESULTS you desired. Let’s use weight loss for example. Do you think people that lose weight, go through a perfect system? No! Everyone has their own testimony. I’m sure there will be days people feel discouraged or get on the scale and see a number they don’t want to see. But, the next step is what makes or breaks you. Do you keep pushing or quit? At MGT, one of the powerful things we practice is the daily commitment we have with each other. All our groups do a great job of picking someone up when they are down. The support system is awesome! Now you can make the same decisions that athletes make. They will not win every game they play. They will not always feel good. There will be days they are hurt and can’t perform. But through all circumstances, they never give up. They work even harder until they reach the RESULTS they desire.

Now, lets flip the ideal and use Kobe in another scenerio. “Hey Kobe, what will you do now that you won your 5th championship?” “I will win another one next year! I will work even hard this upcoming year because I know the red target will be on my back. Night in and night out I will face everyones best. Therefore I will create a system of being the best to reach RESULTS that I and no one has never seen before.” Powerful! I have a system, which stands at 100%. Those that follow my ethics and stay consistent through their actions and never give up always reach the RESULTS they desire. One of the most important steps in life is the next step. When hitting your goals, you must make new goals. Kobe could easliy say, I hit my goal. Im the best. Im done! As you can see, those were not the words he spoke. He wants to remain the power of being a RESULT magnet. Those of you that had the pleasure of reaching a RESULT, did it feel awesome? Of course it did! So, why stop?
At MGT we have countless members reach their goals, but we know the next step is one of the most important steps. Which is maintain what we work for and hittiing other RESULTS in our life. So, those of you that have reached a goal in your life, dont stop now! It’s awesome to be a RESULT magnet. Once you create and find favor of reaching RESULTS, why stop? Keep pressing towards your greatness!

It was awesome to see the participates of the MGT boot camp prepare for success. The feeling I had inside was priceless! It was awsome to be able to see all the members enhance their minds to a level where they give 100% to win a event. Me knowing that, the way you do one thing is how you do everything. So, I know when there in the daily routines they are giving a 100% because that’s how they minds operate due to MGT ethics. Priceless! As you can see, Im still excited about the “Battle.”

Well, I thank you all for following me and ask that you continue to reach forward. I ask that you comment and share the RESULTS to someone else on Facebook, Twitter, or by email. If you were at the battle, please comment at the bottom of this page and share your experience. I want to thank you for following us and congrats on bettering your mind by reading these blogs! These are the experiences I have of being a RESULT magnet! Thank you and God bless!


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Hello everyone! I hope and pray your last week was wonderful! I want to start this blog off with a question. Have you ever wondered, “How do I make all my ideas come to pass?” We all have great ideas, but it seems they never come to existance. Have you ever created a idea and felt it could benefit the world? Or, a system that could help you make a huge profit and someone else came out with it before you did years later. Then you tell yourself, “That’s my idea!” The difference between you and that person is not the brilliance, but the ACTION you both put forth.

I truly believe the reason why most people are unhappy with their current situation is due to the lack of action they experience. Think about it! Write a list of ideas you put action to in the past month. As you look at your list, see the advantages you now have with these ideas. Everything on that list, you put action to and produce something I like to call RESULTS. Now, those ideas have been established and completed. Some of you probably wrote down, going to work, paying your bills, and even spending time with love one’s. Now all these assets are things we value. What happens if you did not put action to none of the ideas? You would be homeless and carless right. So, you produce it because you want the RESULTS of a car, house, lights, and phones. Same thing with other ideas we have that we would like to do that we dont do. Working out, creating your happiness, church, or even some “you time.” Write a list of the ideas you have not put action to, but you would like too. Now look at those ideas and think of how you would feel if they were completed. Now, search for the feeling you have at this moment. Is that feeling worth not putting action to your desires. Of course not!

The key to the two lists you have, come down to one word. Must! Everything you put action to right now, is a must. “All goals that are created, only happen when they are a must!” MGT! Make your ideas a must. Why not? If you have the idea of working out because you know the benefits will empower your desires, then do it. We are programmed to believe that, “It’s not easy as it seems.” That’s crap! There are two things I believe. If you value something very much, you will find a way to do it! If you value something very much, you will find a way to afford it! I like the quote my sister use. “Excuses are like a$$ holes, everyone has one!” Lol! It’s a funny statment, but it is the truth. We all make excuses, when it’s not a must. Have you ever put something together? A birthday party, wedding, or meeting? Has anyone ever given you some crap excuses why they could not make it or help out? I’m sure they have! The reason why you didn’t accept or understand those excuses was due to the fact of you making it a must and they probably weren’t. Same thing with us putting action to our ideas. Be the person that makes their ideas a priority, not an option.

I hope and pray you find favor with my words and thoughts. Remember, these are my ideas and philosophies. I would like all of you to put action towards the RESULTS you deserve! Why wait? Start today! I want to see you all to place a comment and list the power of you putting action to your ideas once you do it. Also, those that are in boot camps or the people I coach one on one; list the power of action you have discovered with me to help motivate others that are reading these blogs. Leave it on this page or Facebook. Make sure you share the RESULTS by reposting and sharing this blog. Also, The Battle of the Boot Camps is almost here! October 2nd, Memorial Park at 2PM. Well, I hope you all continue to take steps forward towards your RESULTS! I want to thank you for following us and congrats on bettering your mind by reading these blogs! These are the experiences I have of being a RESULT magnet! Thank you and God bless!


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Hello everyone! Hope all is well with you! I had an AWESOME week! This past weekend we had our first day of the $40 boot camp on Saturday, our MGT Seminar, and my birthday! Throughout the week I noticed and also shared what patterns are and how they can benefit or destroy you. This is a topic we really examined at the seminar, but I will share some of the information with you all. (The seminar was powerful!) I wanted to thank you all that reached out to me via facebook, phone calls, and email to wish me me a happy birthday. Also, I wanted to thank all those that attended the MGT Seminar too.Thanks!

Throughout the week I notice the daily routine we all have. Most of us wake up and go to work, have some type of me time and do it all over again. Then once the weekend comes, we try to treat ourselves with some type of pleasure. Then I went into deep thought and used it towards working out and with other issues we deal with in everyday life. All patterns are necessary steps to produce the RESULT we want. I ask myself, “Why do we interrupt the patterns that work for us?” Think about it! Those that feel they are overweight, probably know how to lose weight. If they dont, I’m sure they know how to find someone that’s a trainer. I’m sure they understand they have to move more and eating properly with their food intake. Also that they have to be consistent and put action to their goal. BUT! We seem to always interrupt our patterns by skipping a procedure or trying to do it a different way. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Why try to reinvent the wheel, when
it already works?” Same thing! We try to do these quick schemes to avoid what we feel we can’t do and put ourselves in a position where we don’t get the RESULTS we deserve! They are steps for a reason. The most successful people that achieve their visions follow the proper procedures to get their RESULTS! Dont interrupt pattterns that work for you already!

On the other hand, we can interrupt patterns that don’t empower us to our RESULTS! This was a portion we really concentrated on at the seminar. When you hear “don’t interrupt something that works,” it sounds great. We dug even deeper, because we understand that we are creatures of habit. Therefore, if we can interrupt patterns that empower us, why not interrupt patterns that disrupt us? If you know the patterns that make you feel horrible, why not break them?Lets use this for example. Does anyone want to mad? Of course not! Now, there are patterns to get mad. No one (hopefully) gets mad just because they want to. There are procedures we have to take. Lets use driving on the road. If you’re almost hit on the road, we usually go through certain patterns. We usually yell some words that are probably negative words. We then speed up and look over to them and give them that eye or finger. Then as you both continue to drive apart, you’re steady talking to
yourself about them being all kinds of idiots and everything else. Also, you notice you are probably in a bad mood or just find yourself mad about things that usually dont make you upset. What happens when that person almost hits you and you interrupt that pattern by waving at them saying ” It’s ok” instead of the other pattern we just discussed? You break the other procedures and go on about your day without being mad.

Now we can use interruption with patterns to help us to our vision or use the pattern to create the RESULTS you desire. If you use this principle it can recreate your mindframe and help you breakthrough to any vision you desire. I use it all the time as I coach MGT members. We put ourselves in position to follow positive patterns we have created and interrupt patterns we notice that may distract us.

Again, I thank you all for following my blog and to see how I interact with the things I adventure weekly. I pray these words help encourage you and motivate you to conquer anything you may be facing. Remember, these are my philosophies and thoughts. Use them to transform your life, now! Stop waiting on your RESULTS! Put action to the desires you deserve, right now! Also, remember if you have any questions or topics you want me to discuss, please feel free to contact me. Share the RESULTS! Send this blog to someone you love and comment on the page or on Facebook. (You can find us on Facebook: meangreentraining@yahoo.com) I pray that all of you receive the desires of your heart. I encourage you all to focus on things that are positive and that empower your happiness. These are the actions I encounter of being a “RESULT magnet!” Thank you all and God bless!


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Awesome Shades


Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transferred to and from its surroundings. This is called the Law of Thermodynamics. This is the topic I want to share with you all this week. We all have energy, but its up to us to control where we want to put it. Everyday we wake up, we literally control our actions or attitude when we roll out the bed. This is a topic we discussed in a previous MGT seminar.

Have you ever put on a pair of 3d glasses? The ones when you look through and you see what ever color the lens are. If the lens are red, then everything you see is red. If the lens are blue, then everything you see is blue. I want you to know and understand, you make the choice everyday to see what you want. I have a metaphor that I use called, “Awesome Shades.” This is very powerful! Normally I wouldn’t put this information in a blog, but this past week I really had to use mines.

Everyday you wake up, your energy have the choice to put on your “Awesome Shades” or “This is some BS Shades.” Right now as you are reading this blog, I want you to put on “This is some BS Shades.” Come on, right now. Put them on. GOOD! As you look out these shades, notice what you see. You probably see “This is some BS.” If you look at someone, your probably going to see them and say, “This person really is some BS.” If your looking at your financial situation, you would probably say “This is some BS.” If you look into the relationships you may have, you will probably say “This relationship really is some BS.” This goes on and on. Every situation you look at becomes BS because you decided to put on your BS shades. Now, take those shades off and right beside them are your “Awesome Shades.” Pick them up and put them on. Good! Now as you look through the lens you probably see a awesome computer. Then as you look beside you, you probably see awesome people. Then when you get in your car, you will see a awesome car. Then when you get to your job and you will notice how awesome your job is. My metaphor is used to show the power of your decisions. Alot of times you may not feel like doing it, but you have the ability to control your energy and how you use it. Think about it? As you sit there (and you still have your awesome shades on) notice your not awesome because you’re “just this really awesome person”; you are awesome because you choose to be awesome. DEEP!

To go even deeper, notice the shades you decide to put on each day attracts other energy. Remember, energy is transferred from one place to another. As you wear “This is some BS Shades” what do you think your going to attract? BS! When you think everything your apart of is BS, what do you think people are going to think of you? BS! Everything you present with your body language and words attracts an action. Now, if you have on your “Awesome Shades” what do you think your going to attract? Awesome things! If you treat everyone awesome, how do you think people are going to treat you? Awesome! If you speak awesome words to everyone, what kind of words do you think your going to receive? Awesome! Who do you rather hang with, BS people or AWESOME people? Of course awesome! Now if we dig even deeper, think of why all of you awesome people (you should still have your awesome shades on) is reading this blog? Because I’m AWESOME! The rule doesn’t change. Awesome people attract awesome people. Also, everyone knows I wear more than one pair of shades. The other shades I wear daily, are my “RESULTS Shades.” The reason why most of you are reading these blogs are because you have been getting RESULTS with MGT or you’re searching for them. Therefore, its you choice to control the energy you have. If your want RESULTS, learn how to wear those type of shades with MGT. Now, put on your awesome shades daily. Its not always easy, but if done you can change your whole out look on life. DEEP!

I wanted to share this experience with all of you and I know for a fact its life changing. I had to use it with decisions and actions I faced this past week. I definitely wanted to share the RESULTS with you all. So, make sure your doing the same. Share this blog with everyone. As I end this blog and start to get ready for this weekend MGT seminar (make sure you reserve your seat by contacting us, limited space) I want to challenge you to try my “Awesome Shades” theory. Let me know how your experience goes when you do it. Also make sure you write a comment on this page or facebook and follow us. I really appreciate all of you for following my actions of being a “RESULT MAGNET” and I pray you all find understanding through my words and actions. Make sure you speak and entertain positive words! Love you all and God bless! MGT!


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Take time right now and think of all your goals. As you think of them, if you can, write them down on a sheet of paper so we can use them throughout this blog. You may be wondering what goals or what issues I had with goals this past week. My answer to you would be, “I hit every goal I made.” I will break down the thoughts and experiences I had this past week with my goals and those of others.

Some people might think I was crazy if they ever step foot in my bathroom. Reason being, I have a list of goals on my mirror. I also notice that my goal list always goes up and come down. The reason for that action is me being a RESULT magnet. I understand I must put action to my goals to receive them. So I put up my list and focus on them daily. I place them on my bathroom mirror because that’s a place I see more than once a day. Therefore, it’s a constant reminder every time I see my goals. I look at them and repeatedly read them aloud so my brain will be in acceptance to my goals when I receive them. I know that if I visualize my goals daily, I can use “The Power of Focus” (past blog) which proves; “I receive any and everything I focus on!” The reason why I always take down my list is because I always hit my goals. Once you hit a goal, you must make more goals or you will find yourself at a standstill. That’s why we must go through the cycle of hitting goals
and replacing them with new goals. The brain is like the Google search engine. It works hard to find info, when asked. For example, let’s use the goal of losing 10 pounds out of your 50 pounds by the end of the month. You start off asking your brain, “How do I lose 10 pounds?” Your brain then replies back with the solution of knowledge of training or finding someone to coach you to the way of losing 10 pounds. Once you hit your goal and you never place any question (goal) in your search engine, then your computer goes to sleep mode. When nothing is completed you experience what most people call, “You’ve hit your plateau.” But, if you place another question in your search engine then you will continue to hit goals, because you continuously put something in your search engine. This is the reason why my MGT boot campers and I reach the desires of our hearts. As you look at the list of goals that you have in front of you, are you at a plateau or you repeatedly putting something in
your search engine to produce the RESULTS you want?

The other experience I had with goals is the emotional attachment of being in a world you’ve never seen or felt before. Look at your goal list again. I want you to close your eyes and picture yourself with everything on your goal list. You can picture all the materialistic things you have and the physical appearance you’ve always wanted. Now as you visualize your new self, picture the emotions you have. Most people have been hoping and praying for years, even decades, for some of their goals. Then picture every goal happen overnight. How would you feel? This reminds me of the people that take the quick fix of surgery to create their new body. (This is not for everyone that has done this, but majority.) They have no idea what it really feels like to go through daily steps to produce the new body they have. Therefore, their lifestyle has not changed. The experience of working out never became a part of them, so they still don’t work out. The experience of eating
healthy never became a part of them, so they still eat badly. This process continues because there is no self control and eventually the surgical bands break and the person becomes bigger than before or become even more unhappy than before. The other attachment is the ability to expand your mind and learn how powerful the brain is. I have coached numerous people that lose over 30 or 40 pounds and they still shop in the sections they use to wear. This happens when your mind does not grow with your new physical body. At MGT boot camps we help develop your mind as well as the body. You see countless members hit their physical appearance goals but still maintain going to boot camps because their mind is still growing. This is a very critical part of someone’s transformation. I’ve seen a lot of people change and come back heavier because of being in the same mind frame they’ve been in their whole life, with a new body. This is something we learn hands on at MGT seminars. This past week I helped several
of my members with the emotional attachments they have with their goals. You have to reprogram, relink pleasure & pain, and focus on new goals throughout your journey.

It has been awesome to be able to help people daily with their goals. As you can see, there are many steps you must obtain to successfully achieve any goal. This past week I saw several people having to adjust the mind to the new person they are becoming, which is a good problem. It’s like a women having a child. You have to go through some procedures and pain to produce the most valuable gift in the world, life. All of you that are in MGT are learning how to do this daily. I want to take time to tell you congrats and to keep pushing and focusing forward. Those that are not with MGT yet, search for wisdom and always stay coachable. Hopefully, you will soon join a MGT program and receive nothing but RESULTS throughout your experience!

As I end this blog, I want to thank those that are following my philosophies and thoughts. There will be a powerful seminar on 9-11-10. Limited seats! Also, fall boot camps start after Labor Day. Stop waiting on your RESULTS! Put action to the desires you deserve, right now! Also, remember if you have any questions or topics you want me to discuss, please feel free to contact me. Share the RESULTS! Send this blog to someone you love and comment on the page or on Facebook. (You can find us on Facebook: meangreentraining@yahoo.com) I pray that all of you receive the desires of your heart. I encourage you all to focus on things that are positive and that empower your happiness. I hope my words have helped you break through any glass ceiling that’s above you. These are the actions I encounter of being a “RESULT magnet!” Thank you all and God bless!


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Planting Seeds


Wow! What a week! I saw awesome RESULTS all throughout boot camps and one on one personal training. It feels great to wake up everyday and know I will help someone for the better. At MGT we had been planning and setting up for the Boot Camp Explosion to help our family and friends. It was fantastic! Everything I envisioned happened! It was good to see the faces of so many new people, searching for what we get at MGT daily. RESULTS! With this blog, I will discuss the thoughts I had about our wonderful event.

Those of you that do not know what the Boot Camp Explosion is, it’s where we at MGT invite all of our family and friends to come participate in a workout with us. We only charge $5 for them to come out and get a full body workout and experience the RESULTS we all receive. We met at Hermann Park at 9AM on Saturday morning. Over 45 guests signed in and worked out. Counting MGT members that train and workout, we had a totally of 61 people that came out to our event. AMAZING!

The thought process I had personally was to help change at least one person’s life that day. I understand seeds you plant must grow and once they produce I feel you must show the power of their testimony. With that being said, I had volunteers of my MGT Boot Camps to help run the Explosion. The power of letting MGT boot campers run the camp was a great experience. Reason being, one day in the past they were in the same shoes as those that came out that day. The remembrance of searching for real RESULTS!, weight loss, happiness, confidence, friendships, endurance, or for any other health related reason. The people that came to participate were able to see the development of the MGT members and how happy and confident they are now. Also, they could see the RESULTS by the before and after poster board or the powerful testimonies that were presented. The emotion and energy that was between everyone was indescribable! Through all the exercises that may have been challenging,
the positive energy and support that was provided helped produce the RESULTS by completing the boot camp. I was speechless to all the MGT members that trained and participated in the workout. To see the seeds I planted in them and now for them to help produce and spread the RESULTS they are receiving daily was powerful to me.

As I said earlier, my thought process was to help at least one person. By the end of the day, I noticed we helped over 45 new people. Everyone worked very hard! I know at times it may have been hard, but with support and positive words, the workout was completed. Towards the end, everyone had to do the last exercise with me. We did something called “Gut Check.” This exercise is more challenging mentally than physically. We learn at our seminars that the brain can only concentrate on one thing at a time. Therefore, someone would yell “MGT!” and everyone else would reply with “RESULTS! RESULTS! RESULTS!” Whether they knew it or not, I used a terminology called “neuro- association” on them. By saying the words RESULTS while they were running, made them think of their vision and goals instead of the burn or pain they may have been experiencing. Also, once they left that day they could face a challenging situation which could prevent them from their goals. They 
can say the words RESULTS out loud and their neuro association kicks in and remembers that “Gut Check”. Then the brain remembers how hard you worked and that you can start and finish anything you focus on. I know I got deep on you all, but wanted to explain what neuro- association is. (a powerful seminar we had in the past) As you can see the Boot Camp Explosion was powerful in many ways.

It was great to see someone gain the experience of boot camp for only $5. To see someone gain confidence. To see someone gain happiness. To see someone learn how to properly exercise. To see someone receive a FREE boot camp package. When the lady won her prize, it was as if she won a million dollars. The expression on her face showed how much she valued the experience of the boot camp that morning. That had to be one of my favorite MGT moments. With all that being said, so many people gained so much from the seeds MGT planted. The sad thing is, so many passed the chance of transforming their life for the better by not coming. Hopefully they will not do the same by missing the seminar on 9-11-10.

Well, I thank you all that are following my weekly blogs. Remember, these are my philosophies and opinions. I recommend you use them if you want RESULTS. Also, share the RESULTS with someone else. Send this blog to all of your family and friends. Comment back on the blog page or Facebook. (Follow us on Facebook if not already) Well, these are the actions I encounter being a “RESULT magnet!” Thank you all and God bless!


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Do you think our flesh is fearful when it comes to change? Are we programmed to think change is good or bad? Have you made any changes lately? If so, why did you? If not, why not? I was asked to speak about change and the first thing that came to me is, “Is change good?” My answer to that question would be, if it makes you happy. I remembered how I use to put myself in position to think change was either bad or difficult to do. Then once I notice there were a couple of steps I had to conquer, then change was never a bad situation for me.

Normally people change because something makes more sense or it makes the situation or problem better. Therefore, making a change would be a great thing to do. I use to find myself making decisions off what other people think. Do any of you do that now? How should I dress? Where shall I live? Weight loss? Jobs? I will break down a story I dealt with in the past for an example.

I once trained a lady that describe her need for the “change” she wanted in her physical appearance. As she discuss her feelings about what she wanted to complete, I noticed she never used the word “I”. The weight loss, eating better, and healthy lifestyle was all coming from the ideas of her family and friends. My friends say i’m overweight. My parents are scared of me not being healthy. I then notice, throughout time she was not dropping weight or losing inches. We started reaching our RESULTS once she came to an MGT seminar. One of our topics we discuss was my “Pursuit to Happiness” formula. (Very powerful) She then notice why she wasn’t happy She notice that she made all decisions because of what other people thought would be best for her. Seems crazy, right? We do that daily. Make a list of all the changes you have made. On one side put all the changes you made, dealing with “you” making the decision to benefit your happiness. Then make a list of the changes you made because of what other people thought you should make. Once you complete that task, you will notice that most of the decisions you made on your own are changes you still keep consistent. Changes that made you happy! Most of all, changes that gave you the RESULTS you were searching for. On the other side, you will notice that most changes you made for other people didn’t last too long. Also, the change you made for other people didn’t give you the happiness you deserve. Notice, the change proberly didn’t give you the RESULTS you needed. To complete this story, the lady found where she was at on her “Pursuit to Happiness” formula and began reaching the RESULTS she wanted. She had to dig deep and reprogram herself and notice the change had to come from what she wanted, not what other people thought she should do.

Another hindrance that holds people back from making a good change is the word “history.” We sometimes make the decision not to change because of the history we have with something or someone. History only means one thing, the past. If your past has not equal your happiness you want or need, then why keep doing it. One thing we do at MGT Boot Camps is continue your RESULTS or change to produce RESULTS. If you have been working out for years and you have been healthy, should you change that portion of your life when it makes you happy? Of course not! If you’re unhealthy and haven’t been working out and you feel horrible, should you change? Of course you should! I never said change is easy. Sometimes it may be real hard, but I rather work hard for happiness, instead of doing nothing and being misable. Think of someone that been in a relationship with someone for 10 years. The hairs on my neck raise when someone tell me there getting married to someone because they been together for so long. That they invested so much in someone or they don’t want to start over. I honestly feel thats one of the top reason why not to marry someone. Remember, marriage is meant to be for the rest of your life. To me, the couple should look at change in a different scenario. If they decide there not meant for each other, look at it as you both tried all options and a split would be best. You rather spend 10 years trying and then splitting, instead of 10 years of trying and then trying another 50 years of finding happiness with each other. The brain is made to link pleasure and pain (MGT seminar subject) to everything. It’s no way possible to be happy if you’re apart of something that you link pain too.

Therefore, change is great! If your past consistency bring you pleasure, why change? Keep being consistent and continue to be happy. If you are practicing consistency at pain, change will probley be a good option for you. I use weight lose and relationships for an example, but that can be used with; friendships, environments, or jobs. I’m definally preparing for the change that will happen at MGT Boot Camp Explosion this weekend. If you truly want to change something’s in your life, which will bring your happiness, join us! (Sign up at meangreenbootcamp.com)

I thank you all that are following my weekly blogs. Remember, these are my philosophies and opinions. Take the meat and leave the bone. Only use what benefit you. Know those that do follow my recommendations are those that have happiness. Share the RESULTS with someone else. Send this blog to all of your family and friends. Comment back on the blog page or facebook. (Follow us on facebook if not already) Well, these are the actions I encounter of being a “RESULT magnet!” Thank you all and God bless!

“Believe, Achieve, and Receive” MGT!



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The Power of Focus


I found myself in positions this week smiling at all the RESULTS people are receiving! I was enjoying the emotions that were built inside of me and the surrounding people I helped. I love planting seeds and seeing them produce what we FOCUS on them to be. Those that know me personally know that I’m very passionate about people reaching happiness and love when they achieve goals, or what I like to say, “RESULTS!” Daily, people thank me for coaching and leading them to a destination that they thought they would never see. I always reply back and say, “You did all the work, I just help awaken the RESULTS that are in you.” Today I’m going to share a couple of stories that entertained my smiles throughout last week.

The question of the day is: What emotions do you usually entertain? I noticed this past week with myself and some of my clients that we usually entertain certain emotions but want others. Why do we entertain the emotions of failure, negativity, sadness, what could go wrong, and the past? The answer to the question is a simple word called; focus. We take so much of our energy to focus on failure, negativity, sadness, what could go wrong, and the past that we can’t focus on the greatness we deserve. Have you ever thought about branching out and launching a new product or working out, but all the “ifs” and “buts” pop in your head. That brings us back to programming. Somewhere down the line you’ve seen multiple people try to create their own product or workout but it was unsuccessful. Or, either you tried yourself and failed or didn’t receive the weight loss you wanted. I have a saying that states, “You only fail if you stop trying.” Notice the times you or 
someone you know failed, they probably were focusing on everything else but what they truly desired. I will use one of my MGT members for example. (She is one of the those people that had me smiling this week.) She is still fairly new to the program, but has already made amazing strides. When she first started she actually gained a pound or two during the first couple of weeks, due to her gaining muscle. She had two options: she could have quit and focus on everything that would have prevented her from achieving her goals or concentrate and focus on the positive production that she made. She was losing inches, learning how to exercise properly, and most of all she was improving her health. As I stated earlier, whatever you focus on, you can usually obtain that vision. As time went on she started to become one of the leaders of her boot camp and now is down an amazing 30 pounds within two and a half boot camp trials. The reason she had me smiling this week was
 because of the gratefulness she has about her life now. She is now a totally different person from when I first met her. She sent me a text message on Saturday saying, “I hardly have any back fat, thanks for helping me receive RESULTS!” The emotion of pleasure she now has linked to working out is life changing. I love the fact that she is now consistent in receiving RESULTS and her lifestyle is transforming right before her eyes. Her focus is now so strong towards her goals that her weight loss and everything else she deals with is easy for her.

Another emotion that had me smiling from ear to ear was the graduation of my little sister from college. She was a fabulous athlete and all academic student. The emotion I saw from her this weekend and the family members she is very close with was priceless. Personally, I know the low energy level everyone has when you arrive in a college town (it’s horrible!). I had to drive all the way there, I was sleepy, and was frustrated with all of the things I had to complete before leaving Houston. I then noticed once everyone was there, that I had an option. I could either stay frustrated at the world or handle my frustration and enjoy a memorable moment. Remember these words, “Those that can handle frustration are those that are successful in what they do.” If you think of any successful person that completes any goal, they probably went through some type of frustration. They found a solution to handle their frustration, which helped them reach their goals. On the flip side, those that don’t handle their frustration always seem to fail. I then took control of my own emotion by following one simple rule. I know the brain can only focus on one thing at a time, so I used this tactic to create the mind frame I wanted. For example, you can’t shout and praise in a happy mood and cry and be depressed at the same time. Therefore, as I saw my sister and my family, I focused on all the laughter and excitement.  Soon, I forgot the negative distractions that I was having earlier.  Once I noticed the power of focus, I was all smiles for the rest of the weekend.

Therefore, notice the power of focus in your journey right now. Everything we do can change in one second! Stop placing so much energy on the past or negative situations. Place your energy in areas that can bring you joy or pleasure. You will find yourself smiling much more than complaining. These are some of the issue we solve at MGT seminars.

Now I have started to focus on the MGT Boot Camp Explosion. It’s turning into a beautiful situation. It’s a blessing to be able to serve the people in our community. It feels great to focus my energy to help benefit people’s lives within one boot camp session. Someone that day will come into boot camp and leave with something they can treasure for the rest of their life. The observation of being apart of a group that receives so much happiness, confidence, positivity, friendships, and RESULTS is an unbelievable experience. Someone ask me why am I asking for only $5, when I’m helping change people lives for the better. I think its funny, because my response was “People value money! If it was free, nobody would show up.” That’s the type of society we live in, we only participate in activities if we hold value to them. He thought I was insane! He was thrilled about the fact of receiving so much for only $5 dollars, but thought I should ask for more. I told him the money actually covers the price of the rental of the park so I personally wasn’t gaining profit, but I truly just wanted to get more people involved in the life of living healthy. As I focus on the energy he was giving for being apart of something that will change his life, I became deep in thought as I walked away. I started to think, someone will pass this opportunity. Someone will miss the chance to reach the desires they deserve. Someone will still receive the pain they don’t deserve. It’s sad but that’s what we do daily. We miss opportunities because we focus too much on the “ifs” and “buts” instead of being like Nike and just doing it! I pray no one goes through that because this event will be powerful and someone will better their life from that day on for only $5. Think about it, what will you gain if you come and what will you lose if you don’t come?

As I end this blog, I want to thank those that are following my philosophies and thoughts. Remember, if you have any questions or topics you want me to discuss please feel free to contact me. Also, share the RESULTS! Tell someone else to follow these blogs and comment on the page. (Also find us on Facebook: meangreentraining@yahoo.com) I pray that all of you receive the desires of your heart. Remember, “Whatever you are consistent at, you become great at!” I encourage you all to focus on things that are positive and that empower your happiness. I hope my words have helped you break through any glass ceiling that’s above you. These are the actions I encounter of being a “RESULT magnet!” Thank you all and God bless!


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