
I want to welcome and thank those who are following my philosophies to become the person you deserve to be. I’m always asked, “What do you do when you’re not training or coaching people,” or “How and why do you seem to be in a good mood at all times?” Also, many MGT supporters asked me to start a blog so I can present the obstacles, tasks, and experiences I go through on a daily basics. Therefore, I made the decision to present at least a weekly blog, so I can share the power of being a “RESULTS MAGNET.” I want everyone to know that these are my philosophies and ideas. Follow them and they can help transform your life, or keep doing what you’re doing if you like the outcome in your life.

For beginners, my name is Chris Green and I’m a trainer and a motivationalist. One of my passions in life is to help plant seeds to those who want the happiness they deserve. I help coach those who are willing to take their minds and bodies to a level where they become the person they want to see and feel like. I understand that our physical appearances helps us feel comfortable, confident, and attractive. I believe there is no problem wanting to feel and look a certain way, but my quesion to you is “Why?” Many people answer me by saying, “to become happy!” Our society get the misconception that looking a certain way makes you happy, when it doesn’t. Some believe being rich or married or having financial freedom will make you happy, when that’s not the truth. Those things are great to have, but we have to become mentally acceptable to ourselves to become happy. Therefore, at MGT we strive on teaching programming and the belief system. Once you learn these traits and learn how to apply them in your life, then you become mentally happy. Then it’s alot easier to reach your desires of being happy, successful even achieving weight loss.

Everything we do daily are build upon past decisions or what we are programmed with. The feelings we have towards situations or even people are because what we have installed in us. Think about it! Money is the root to all ______! I guarantee you filled in the blank with the word evil. Why do we think that? Maybe because someone always quoted it when we was little. Or maybe someone actually told you that. Now, is that true? Of course not! Is that why most people feel rich poeple are mean, cruel, and cold-harded people. If you know someone who is rich, reflect and see if that person fits into those guideliness. Probley not! At MGT seminars, we learn that the only way to delete bad programming is by reprogramming. Therefore, dig deep and search to see what bad programming you may have. It may deal with people, food, money, success, relationships, jobs, school, or decision making.

Believing is the first step I conquer with all my boot campers, one-on-one clients, and at self-improvement seminars. Nothing is accomplished without beleiving in it. Everything you achieve happens because you believed in it. I focus on putting MGT members in situations where they cannot see themselves doing or finishing certain exercises or thoughts. Then with consistency, support and effort, they show themselves they can do it. Then as they spark a light in their belief system, we add more to the project and they keep completing their task. Then its like the snow ball effect. The more you push and stay consistent, the more you achieve. Then once they see that can do anything as long as they believe, weight loss happens! Confidence happens! Happiness happens! RESULTS happen!

Therefore, you now have a little background on they way I feel and the passion I have for helping others becoming the person they deserve to be. Im thankful God has blessed me with the mindframe and inspirations to do what I’m placed here to do. Future blogs will be weekly journeys and thoughts I have. If you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me by email or facebook. If you ever have a topic you would like me to share my thoughts on, please let me know. I hope my words will be a blessing to you all. I do know, those that follow me will become RESULTS magnets! God bless!


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